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Binge Worthy Shows While Waiting for Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

Fall is just around the corner, but if you live in Pennsylvania you know that just around the corner means it’s a cross between wearing a sweater to class and a tank top at 2:00PM. With no sign of the weather ever deciding what season it is, you may have reached a point where Netflix just seems easier than going outside, especially if you hate summer.  Here are some shows to make the days till true Fall go a little quicker and help you start your indoor season.

1. Grey’s Anatomy- The never-ending classic (we’re totally okay with it never ending)

2. Shameless- You’ll watch a shameful amount of this derelict family, that is for sure!

3. Parks and Rec-Nope, you won’t be able to get enough of Leslie Knope

4. The Office- The true story of the American office worker.

5. Scandal- You’ll never look at what happens in this country the same again.


Here’s to hoping that Fall weather makes a permanent appearance soon!

Cats and Caffeine are key.