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5 Tips for the Perfect Selfie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

1.       Hand Position

Nobody likes to find their finger in their picture. Get a good handle on your phone and you’re already halfway there


2.        Good Camera Angle

Whether you like the camera above you, below you, sideways, upside down, try to find the best angle because once you find the perfect angle, all you need is great smile


3.       Great Backgrounds

Best thing about a great selfie is location, location, location. Nobody wants to see you in your bathroom for the umpteenth time. Try to find different and unique events that happening around you and then find the perfect place to take a picture. 


4.       Strike a pose

Duck Face, pretty smile, serious eyes, hands on your hip, booty up in the air, do whatever you want.    Anything goes for a selfie. Remember this is your time to shine   


5.       Make it Memorable

All up to you but you don’t just want your selfie to be great, you want it to make it memorable


Selfie  are meant to be SPECTACULAR so as long as you follow these steps, you selfies will be golden 


Kendyl Walker was born in Baltimore, MD and is a English, writing studies major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.