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What Freshman Boys Aren’t Telling You: The Girlfriend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

I am not sure which freshman boy first decided to start the trend of forgetting to mention their home girlfriend, but it is a growing movement that needs to be stopped. On a regular basis, I find out that one of my good friends on my floor or even a boy in my class is keeping a secret: they have a girl friend that they left in high school. While their girlfriend is not here, the fact that they are still in a relationship is. A girl that comes to college with a boyfriend tends to make it known, while the freshman boys in a relationship will rarely ever admit this. The thing is though, you can’t be mad because they never actually lied to you. No, these boys are very careful to just casually leave out the fact that they have a girlfriend. Then, out of nowhere, you will spot them walking down the hall with their girlfriend who came to visit. You politely introduce yourself, and listen as she smiles and tells you how much she has heard about you… awkward that this is the FIRST time you have heard of her. Don’t worry girls! There are many signs that can help distinguish these freshmen boys before you come face to face with their high school girl:
1.     They go home every weekend. No guy misses his parents that much. If your guy friend or crush just happens to be making that 3-hour trip home on a regular basis, I can guarantee that he has a reason.
2.     She will inevitably come to visit. Don’t let him convince you that he is having a “friend” come to visit or that he won’t really be around this weekend: he will be around and his friend is most certainly his girlfriend.

3.     He will flirt with you, but never make a move. He probably knows that his relationship won’t last, but he is still too good of a guy to cheat. If you notice this boy flirting with you and your friends, but never actually trying to hang out – he probably is trying to keep you around until his relationship dies out.
4.     He is ALWAYS texting. Come on, if he was dating a girl at Indiana, he would be hanging out with her – not always glued to his phone. Guys usually aren’t the biggest fans of texting, so if he can’t put down his phone, he probably is getting 100 texts from his girlfriend who needs to keep tabs on his whereabouts.

5.     He plays hard to get. It’s college, a freshman boy should not be hard to get. If a girl were to flirt with a freshman – over an upper classman – most freshman boys would jump at the opportunity. That is, unless they are taken.
There you have it: the clear-cut ways to spot these sneaky freshman monogamists. If you have already fallen for one of these guys, don’t sweat it. Everyone knows that most high school relationships will be old news by second semester. 

Rachel Kaplan is currently a Junior at Indiana University. She is an active writer and Campus Correspondent for the IU Chapter of Her Campus. Rachel is majoring in Journalism with a double minor in Art History and Studio Art. While originally from Philadelphia, she hopes to move to New York City after graduation and pursue a career in Public Relations. Often found in Starbucks, Rachel loves to sip on her iced coffee while she writes, edits, and brainstorms articles for HCIU. Rachel is a proud sister of Alpha Epsilon Phi and is looking forward to living in the Phi house next year. She loves tennis, writing, OPI nail polish, the Hoosiers, gummy bears, and spending time with her family and friends.Follow Rachel on twitter: @_rachelkaplan & @HerCampusIU
Courtney Kabbes is a junior at Indiana University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in apparel merchandising. When she's not busy updating Her Campus IU and promoting their site, she works as the Vice President of Social Media for the Retail Studies Organization and Ed2010 at Indiana. Some of her favorite things include shopping, mint chocolate chip ice cream, New York City, Bikram yoga, and spending time with her two favorite people: her mother and sister. Did we forget to mention her slight obsession with Pinterest? www.pinterest.com/ckabbes