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A Single Girl’s Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

It’s that time of the year again. Valentine’s Day is here and depressed singles across the country are busy pondering their sad and unfulfilling love lives. You can find them locked away with a sappy rom-com and a box of chocolates, crying at their failed attempts at love.

Valentine’s Day digs a hole deep into the lonely hearts of America. It is yet another reminder that we’re single and desperate for love. It’s now certain that we’ll going to die alone with 100 cats.

We can’t escape Valentine’s Day; it’s everywhere. It’s in the supermarket, in the mall, all over your news feed; there’s no avoiding it. You can’t even do your food shopping without seeing an entire aisle dedicated to good ole’ Saint Valentine. But seriously, who is that guy though?

So we decide to take a walk around campus to clear our heads of Valentine’s Day and the unavoidable horrors that come along with it. But that was a huge mistake. Couples are omnipresent: holding hands, kissing, hugging, love is in the air and it’s absolutely disgusting. We see this and either begin sobbing or throwing up. Maybe even both simultaneously.

And, don’t even get me started on social media. Instagram and Facebook were practically invented for this day. Every girl inevitably posts a picture showing off her super-cute boyfriend, sending single girls into an envious, self-loathing spiral. We definitely don’t appreciate this, considering the closest thing we have to boyfriends is our crush on the hot guy sitting in front of us in class.

We also swiftly dodge questions about our Valentine’s Day plans because they are simply nonexistent. Well, that’s not entirely true. I have a great night planned. It includes a bottle of wine, a box of Kleenex, and a movie date with Christian Grey. Theaters everywhere are going to be filled with sad, single girls imagining themselves as Anastasia Steele. But in a fair attempt to avoid a potentially awkward conversation, I’ll just keep that to myself and stay quiet.

It brings out our biggest insecurities:

“Is there something wrong with me?”

“Am I crazy?”

“Will I be alone forever? Oh my god, I’m totally going to be alone forever.”

Valentine’s Day without a valentine is brutal. But it is only one day out of the year, and you can count on the other 364 not being as depressing. Come February 15th, you’ll forget that you were even single at all! Ha yeah right, as if.

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