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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

What’s up Hoosiers? I’ve decided to take my knowledge of Indiana, and spit it your way with a weekly recap. Yes, I am aware that I am new on campus, but just look at it as a “fresh” perspective on the happenings of the past week.  
1.    The Weather. Before you trade in your rompers for sweaters, I should probably let you in on a little secret: Bloomington is in denial that it is fall. This Indian – or Indiana – summer we have been having is creating a total double-edged sword for all students. We love how beautiful it has been; yet we can’t trust it. Why can’t we trust the Toy Story looking clouds in the sky you may ask? Because it is October. While we all wished that the summer would never end, if it is almost Halloween and I can’t rock my new cute scarf – I am not too happy.
2.    Campus Activities. The biggest campus activities of this week were Pre-Rush Events. While I did not personally attend any of these events, many of my friends spent last week visiting different sorority houses. These invitation-only-events serve as a fabulous way for girls to get a jump-start on Greek life. Also, the rush application has been posted online, so if you are thinking about rushing next semester you should probably get on that. http://www.iubpha.com/

3.    The Scene. Surpluses of students have been hard-core studying to get ready for their upcoming midterms. The fourth floor of Wells has been more crowded than a Friday night frat party. Hot tip: If you want to actually get your work done, go to the third floor of wells or the lounge of the union. Or rage on the fourth floor and make your studying experience a blast, no judgment here.
4.    The Attire. Since it is hard to rock shorts when it isn’t technically summer, many girls on campus (including myself) have been sticking with leggings. Leggings are a great way to be prepared if it get’s a little chilly, but they are still light enough that you won’t be too hot. They are essentially the goldilocks of pants: “just right” for any occasion.

5.    Sports.  I am not a sports fanatic, nor do I pretend to be. However, at Indiana you can’t really do a weekly recap without mentioning this category. Basically we lost to U of I in football… but as always, we still won the party.

Rachel Kaplan is currently a Junior at Indiana University. She is an active writer and Campus Correspondent for the IU Chapter of Her Campus. Rachel is majoring in Journalism with a double minor in Art History and Studio Art. While originally from Philadelphia, she hopes to move to New York City after graduation and pursue a career in Public Relations. Often found in Starbucks, Rachel loves to sip on her iced coffee while she writes, edits, and brainstorms articles for HCIU. Rachel is a proud sister of Alpha Epsilon Phi and is looking forward to living in the Phi house next year. She loves tennis, writing, OPI nail polish, the Hoosiers, gummy bears, and spending time with her family and friends.Follow Rachel on twitter: @_rachelkaplan & @HerCampusIU
Courtney Kabbes is a junior at Indiana University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in apparel merchandising. When she's not busy updating Her Campus IU and promoting their site, she works as the Vice President of Social Media for the Retail Studies Organization and Ed2010 at Indiana. Some of her favorite things include shopping, mint chocolate chip ice cream, New York City, Bikram yoga, and spending time with her two favorite people: her mother and sister. Did we forget to mention her slight obsession with Pinterest? www.pinterest.com/ckabbes