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The Official Little 5 Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

It’s getting to be that time of year again, a magical time that makes everyone who doesn’t attend IU wish they did. That’s right, it’s time for Little Five. Little Five is more than just an event. Some might even go as far as to consider it a holiday. If you’ve never experienced Little Five before then you probably think it’s just a week long party, but oh how much more it really is. Little Five is a week full of nonstop partying, concerts, and of course the actual races. There is no way to fully prepare someone for such an event, but here are some tips that will help you survive this week of madness.
1. Do not have visitors. I know everyone is excited about Little Five and wants to prove to all their friends that their school is the most fun, but trust me when I say it is not worth it. Having visitors come just means you have more people to be responsible for. During Little Five the only person you should worry about not ending up passed out with a Karkov bottle still in-hand is yourself. Having friends visit also means you’ll have to listen to the BS comparisons between IU and their schools, when in reality we all know IU is the best and everyone else should just stop kidding themselves.
2. Save your absences. If you’ve been saving your absences all semester like I have, then you’re in good shape. If you’ve been lazy about it, then now’s the time to get your act together. Between day parties, night parties, concerts, races, and so much more, who really has time to go to class? Unless you have a test or you have to turn something in, everything you miss can be found online. I can’t, however, say the same for the parties you’ll miss while your sitting in class. Every class should give you enough unexcused absences for you to skip the week, and if you’ve been good about saving them up, then you deserve a week off.
3. Naptime isn’t just for Kindergarteners anymore. The only way you’re going to make it through this week is if you allow yourself some much needed naptime. If you want to go just as hard at night as you do during the day, and trust me you do, you’re going to need a few hours to sleep it off in between. Anyone remember tailgating? Yeah, it’s like that only seven days in a row.
4. Do everything. Little Five is a time where rules do not matter. Jell-O shots? Yes. Jell-O wrestling? Why not! Little Five is a time to be adventurous and do all the things you’d usually be too timid to try. Go to every party and dance on every table. When your friends ask you how Little Five was, you’re going to want a kick ass story to tell them to make them all jealous that they aren’t Hoosiers.
5. Go to the races! We all love getting wasted and cheering for something, why else would we go to IU? This whole week exists because of these races, so show a little support! What could be more fun than standing on bleachers with all your best friends screaming your drunken asses off even though none of you actually know what is going on? I mean, isn’t that what tailgates are all about, too?

Rachel Kaplan is currently a Junior at Indiana University. She is an active writer and Campus Correspondent for the IU Chapter of Her Campus. Rachel is majoring in Journalism with a double minor in Art History and Studio Art. While originally from Philadelphia, she hopes to move to New York City after graduation and pursue a career in Public Relations. Often found in Starbucks, Rachel loves to sip on her iced coffee while she writes, edits, and brainstorms articles for HCIU. Rachel is a proud sister of Alpha Epsilon Phi and is looking forward to living in the Phi house next year. She loves tennis, writing, OPI nail polish, the Hoosiers, gummy bears, and spending time with her family and friends.Follow Rachel on twitter: @_rachelkaplan & @HerCampusIU