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Mastering the Art of Walking in High Heels

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

To wear heels, or not to wear heels…that is the question ladies! It seems to be a reoccurring dilemma when we get ready to go out, “Should I wear heels or flats?”  We all know that heels make us look sexy, lean, and powerful, but there is nothing sexy about awkwardly parading around like a flamingo on stilts. Unfortunately, heels aren’t always an automatic appearance enhancer. Heels are tools of fashion, and we need to know how to use them in order to rock them. We have all seen that girl; she is wearing heels, but clearly has no idea what she is doing.  Her strides are unnatural, her knees have no elegance, and her ankles are visibly trembling. No one wants to be seen like this, but luckily anyone can learn to walk in heels with the proper coaching, just like riding a bike!  However, before you can learn to walk in heels, there are a few preliminary tips that need to be covered.

1.    Start with training wheels!
There is no reason to make a fool of yourself by twisting your ankle wearing 5 inch heels when you aren’t used to them. Just because other girls are strutting down Fee Lane in them, doesn’t mean you should feel insecure about starting out with some 2 or 3 inch heels. It is dangerously easy to break an ankle in heels that are out of your league. Start conservative, and work your way up to the big leagues!

2.     Choose the right heels, for the right occasion.
You would never wear a bikini in the snow, or your Uggs in July. It is typically a wise decision to make sure you know the nature of your event, where it is, and how you’re getting there. It is generally understood that anything that is church, business, or school related should be recognized as no more than a 4 inch heel event. Whereas parties, bars, friendly gatherings are appropriate for higher heels. It is important to know the location of your event is as well. No matter how good you are at walking in heels, no one wants to walk 8 blocks in 6 inch shoes.
3.     Bring an extra pair of comfortable shoes!
If you’re ever stuck walking home, it’s no fun torturing your feet on a long walk. Not to mention, it could be muddy, rainy, or snowy outside and the last thing you want to do is ruin your heels! Make a habit of keeping a spare pair of cheap flip flops (or durable slippers) in your handbag in case you are forced to walk a long distance in your heels unexpectedly.

4.     Buy the right heels!
Sometimes the first mistake of walking like an idiot in heels is buying the wrong pair. They might feel alright in the store, but after 4 hours, they might not. When looking to purchase comfortable heels try to stay away from cheap shoes that have thin soles on the bottom. This puts a lot of painful stress on the balls of the feet. Buy shoes with a slight platform; it gives the foot a bit of cushioning from the hard ground.

Make sure the shoes are snug when you buy them. If the store doesn’t have your size, even if they’re super cute, don’t try to squeeze into a size smaller or bigger…skip it! Look online; it won’t be worth it when you trip and fall in front of your friends, or even worse, a really hot guy! Shiny shoes are always eye-catching, but often times they can make your foot feel cramped and take a while to break-in. Try to pick out styles that have a more leathery or suede appearance. They are more flexible, and mold better to the shape of your foot. Finally, heels that have stretchy backs are a guarantee for never getting heel blisters again!

1.   Don’t look like you’re trying
Whether you think so or not, ladies have natural hip swagger. Don’t walk stiffly your hips will naturally compensate for any imbalance you think you may have. Let your steps be natural and relaxed. Normally when people walk they step from heel to toe. When you walk in heels it’s easier to put the whole foot down at once. Most importantly, don’t think about how you look while walking! It shows! Keep your head up; not looking down at your feet. Part of balance comes from keeping your eyes fixed on a steady object in front of you.

2.   Bend your knees…seriously!
It is a known fact that men find it to be a turn off when they see stiff-kneed girls in heels. Sometimes those 6 inchers can feel a little awkward on our knees, but given that the shoe fits properly, you should be able to work it. Let your knees bend naturally, as if you were wearing flats; but with heels the motion is exaggerated. Even if you think you look silly, you don’t! Trust us, just bend your knees… you’ll look more natural!
3.   Look and learn
Sometimes the best way to learn is to simply watch the experts. YouTube the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, or some America’s Next Top Model episodes! Keep in mind you don’t have to look like a runway model, just look like you are comfortable and confident. Try to copy some of the moves from the top models, and make it your own every-day, ‘you’, model walk!

Courtney Kabbes is a junior at Indiana University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in apparel merchandising. When she's not busy updating Her Campus IU and promoting their site, she works as the Vice President of Social Media for the Retail Studies Organization and Ed2010 at Indiana. Some of her favorite things include shopping, mint chocolate chip ice cream, New York City, Bikram yoga, and spending time with her two favorite people: her mother and sister. Did we forget to mention her slight obsession with Pinterest? www.pinterest.com/ckabbes