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Jacques Poirier ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

Name: Jacques Poirier

Year: Sophomore

Age: 20

Single?  Oui

Major: International Studies with a minor in Business

Hometown: Bloomington

Describe yourself in three words: Sweet, Confident, Athletic


HCIU: How do you feel about being a Campus Cutie?

Jacques Porier: I am honored to be approached with this title.

HCIU: What are you involved in on campus?

JP: Captain of little 500 team, Army ROTC, my fraternatiy Phi Kappa Tau

HCIU: Best thing about IU?

JP: Little 500 race, I participate in it every year.

HCIU: What did you want to be when you were little?

JP: When I was seven years old, I wanted to be a Navy Seal.

HCIU: First thing you notice in a girl?

JP: Lips

HCIU: What are your hobbies?

JP: Scubadiving, rockclimbing, mountain biking, martial arts, alpine skiing

HCIU: Goals for the future?

Jacques: I hope to graduate at 22 and become a lieutenant in the Army. After I’ll possibly move into contracting and foreign international advising.

HCIU: What are the three things you look for in a girl?

JP: Sincere, Beautiful, Intelligent

HCIU: What’s an unknown fact about you?

JP: I am a strong supporting of helping those in need.

HCIU: Favorite music group?

JP: Deekline and Wizard

HCIU: Favorite movie?

JP: Man on Fire


HCIU: Biggest turn-off in a girl?

JP: Yellow teeth and excessive flirtation

HCIU: Best pick-up line?

JP: I don’t use pick-up lines, instead I’d rather just approach a girl and be honest and tell her what I think.

HCIU: Celebrity Crush?

JP: Mila Kunis

HCIU: Do you have a man crush?

JP: Yes, Denzel Washington

HCIU: Most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

JP: I pulled flowers out of Dunn Meadow and delivered them to a girl.

HCIU: What is something people might not know about you?

JP: I don’t have same stereotypical college guy mentality when approaching women, I like to know who I’m talking to.

HCIU: Who in your life do you look up to?

JP: My cousin in the Army has been a role model to me for most of my life. He has defined his own life in a positive light through his morals and beliefs.

HCIU: Do you have a life motto or words to live by?

JP: One man’s motivation and determination can define his nation

Abby is currently a senior majoring in Journalism at Indiana University Bloomington. Hoping to pursue a career in writing, whether that be newpaper, online, magazine, or PR, she is incredibly passionate about her future in journalism. When she's not writing, she spends much of her free time shopping, volunteering at the IU Auditorium, cheering on her fellow Hoosiers, rewatching her favorite 80's movies, and sipping iced coffee at Starbucks.