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Do the Harlem Shake!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

What is it about the Harlem Shake that is so appealing?

Odds are, you hadn’t heard of the Harlem Shake more than two weeks ago. Then suddenly, BAM! The Harlem Shake is sweeping the nation and everyone seems to be submitting videos of their own renditions all over the web. If you look carefully, you can even find a few prank videos claiming to be the “Best Harlem Shake EVER,” but actually have a scary image pop out.

But why is the Harlem Shake sweeping the nation? What makes this fad so contagious and so tempting to try on for size? Is it the catchy song that accompanies the videos? The sheer ridiculous nature? Maybe a little bit of both?

            “I think it’s the ability to create something totally random that everyone seems to enjoy. I’m not sure how it’s lasted as long as it has but some people’s takes on it are quite entertaining,” Sophomore IU student Megan Anderson said.

The creativity and randomness of every video seems to be a big draw for a lot of students.

“I guess the creativity some people possess. I just watched one of sky divers dancing mid-fall,” Lindsay Harper, IU sophomore, agreed.

There is also a certain group quality that appeals to people. Something like a dance can bring people together, but nothing brings people together quite like making a ridiculous video doing the most ridiculous things you can think of for 45 seconds.

“The Harlem shake is so fun because its simply an excuse to be ridiculous. The way it starts off doesn’t begin to describe the insanity that follows (when everyone is finally shown). Plus, it’s something any group of people/organization can do,” sophomore student Kendall Renaud said.

IU Senior Chelsea Burris first saw the Harlem Shake courtesy of Beta Theta Pi’s wacky video, which at the time of this article was at a whopping 48,305 views. The video includes a brother falling onto a couch, a Santa Claus, and a man in a robe rolling dice. The video shows truly how random the Harlem Shake can be and it was made on our very own campus.

“The first one I saw was Beta’s at IU and at first I was taken by all the extremely hot Beta men in their wonderful house, and then out of nowhere half dressed betas everywhere!” Chelsea said with a laugh. “I found it funny because everyone in the video is doing all kinds of random things. I feel as though every time I watch the video I see something new and hysterical. For instance, the first time I saw it I noticed the guy falling from the ceiling, second time Santa, and then the tan built man lifting weights. Plus I feel as though it lets different organizations show off their own humor as well.”

So whether you are content watching videos or feel inspired to make your own, the Harlem Shake offers a fun twist on the viral video. Whether you like the idea of humor, randomness, or the group aspect, the Harlem Shake is worth a look and thirty seconds of your time.

 I am an Indiana University senior pursuing a BA in Music Journalism through the Individualized Major Program.I am active in Theta Phi Alpha, Marching Hundred and Big Red Basketball Band. I am also a Dancer Group Represetative for IUDM! I aspire to one day write for a music magazine (Rolling Stone's Anthony DeCurtis, give me a call!) and live happily with a family.I am a marketing intern for Pizza X, so if you see the van on campus, look for me! I also write for The Odyssey and WeAreIU.com!I am addicted to Dr. Pepper and Red Bull (I have been known to buy Polar Pops and mix the two sometimes) and I am trying to learn to eat healthier, but I'm pretty rotten at it.