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Date Ideas to Keep you Warm This Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

Does the cold weather have you spending more time in your bed than with your man? The snow is no excuse for you to turn into an Ice Queen. Grab a cup of hot chocolate and find out what HCIU is doing to keep things warm with our men this winter.

1.     Get Snowed In: Spend the night getting comfy in your man’s oversized sweatshirt, light the fireplace and rent a series of classic movies. This low-key night with your baby will heat up into overdrive!

2.     Skate Away Together: Get bundled up and catch each other’s fall as you skate around a rink together. You will make memories that will last a lifetime. After a day of bonding, warm up with a glass of hot cocoa and a hot bubble bath! There is no better way to celebrate the holiday season.

3.     Get Riled Up: Just because it is winter doesn’t make it okay to hibernate in front of the television. Your man will be turned on by your urge to get active. Put on your snow boots and show him he isn’t the only one who can win a snowball fight!

4.     Broadway Bound: New York City is a lovely place to venture to during the holiday season. If you are able to visit the area, bundle up and visit the Christmas tree with your sweetheart! The various Broadway shows that are put on set the perfect mood to Tis’ the season!

5.     Bon Appétit: Turn your man on by showing him who is boss in the kitchen! Invite him over for a candle-lit dinner that will make his mouth water. You never know, dinner may turn out to be quite messy!

Courtney Kabbes is a junior at Indiana University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in apparel merchandising. When she's not busy updating Her Campus IU and promoting their site, she works as the Vice President of Social Media for the Retail Studies Organization and Ed2010 at Indiana. Some of her favorite things include shopping, mint chocolate chip ice cream, New York City, Bikram yoga, and spending time with her two favorite people: her mother and sister. Did we forget to mention her slight obsession with Pinterest? www.pinterest.com/ckabbes