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Collegiette D.I.Y: Tailgate Apparel on a Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

Everyone wnats to look cute for tailgate… but sometimes our wallets just don’t agree. Football season is here and we have some great ideas for how you can make your own tailgate attire, without spending your KOK money!

Go to the stack of IU t-shirts piling up in your room and cut them up… yes I said CUT! Drab to fab in no time. 

1. Cut the sleeves off (there’s several different ways you can do this, swoop neck, V neck, tie back, or just tank style.)
2. Measure how far up you want it and then cut the shirt into little slits about two fingers width apart. (Or just leave it be and have a cute tank)
3. Put beads on the slits and tie the ends (We know it’s getting cold, so throw on some under armour or a zip-up and you’re good to go)

Next, find a pair of plain white socks (you probably have some laying around or go buy some cheap ones!) and TIE DYE them! Everyone knows tie dying has made its way back… so be sure to include it in your tailgate style! The socks will keep your feet warm for an added plus!

High-Waisted shorts have also been quite popular this year (but you’ll have to hurry and wear these before the cold comes in.) Otherwise add a pair of Hoosier-esque tights or leggings.

1. Use a pair of old jeans or head to Goodwill (They’re only $6)
2. Cut them
3. Fray them
4. Dip in bleach
5. Let sit
6. Wash (Not feeling confident about doing this? Visit YouTube for more visual details!)
…And if you want a little more flare, add some cute fabric to the back pockets– or front… whichever you prefer. Just cut and glue!

Accessories anyone?
These headbands can be made for less than FIVE dollars!
1. Go to Hobby Lobby; buy your favorite ribbon or sparkle.
2. Go to a dollar store and buy a pack of headbands for A DOLLAR
Cute and classy!

Don’t throw away the t-shirts scraps left over from cutting up your t-shirts. Use them to make a braided headband.
1. Cut into three separate pieces
2. Braid them!
Easy peasy!

Really want to get creative? PAINT YOUR OWN SHOES!

1. Buy some cheap shoes at Wet Seal or any other place you wish
2. Get an IU stencil
3. Paint them!

If you want to keep it cute and simple and are worried about staying warm, just add red scarves, Indiana Leggings, or IU beanies to show off your IU spirit! Now you will be ready to go tailgate in style on Saturday without cutting into your budget!

Courtney Kabbes is a junior at Indiana University. She is majoring in journalism with a concentration in apparel merchandising. When she's not busy updating Her Campus IU and promoting their site, she works as the Vice President of Social Media for the Retail Studies Organization and Ed2010 at Indiana. Some of her favorite things include shopping, mint chocolate chip ice cream, New York City, Bikram yoga, and spending time with her two favorite people: her mother and sister. Did we forget to mention her slight obsession with Pinterest? www.pinterest.com/ckabbes