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The Brospective: Understanding the Male Mind a Bit Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.


Why do my boyfriend and all guys love dubstep so much?

The long answer is when two people are destined to be together and they finally meet, something amazing happens. A bond and merging is made of their minds and spirits. Dubstep is the most accurate representation of that love an artist can produce. What your boyfriend is actually doing is reminiscing of the love you two share.

The short answer is it’s awesome.


What do guys talk about when not around women?

Football, women, religion, women, Halo, women, politics, women, hunting, women, (feelings), women, and the love we have for the ladies in our life.

Are guys intimidated by good looking women?

A good looking woman, who knows she’s “hot stuff”, is intimidating. One Direction almost had it right when they said, “you (women) don’t know you’re beautiful oh oh! That’s what makes you beautiful.” Where One Direction was wrong is that we want a confident woman. Confidence is a scale. On one end is complete, prideful confidence, and on the other lies a complete lack of understanding of oneself. Not acknowledging your beauty actually is a negative, if you don’t think you’re beautiful then 9 times out of 10 you’re throwing yourself a pity party and the rest of you (the 1 in 10) are just not being rational. In the middle of the scale is the woman we want—a humble, and yet confident woman. Recognize you’re beautiful, and be nice to everyone too!

Why are guys such weird texters?

That’s a good question. Here’s how I see it: for the most part, we just want to be concise. The infamous “kay-dot” (k.) is actually just a confirmation. It doesn’t mean that we’re mad (generally), or anything like that. Again, it’s just a confirmation.

If you are referring to the “hey” text, I honestly don’t understand it. Well, I do, but I don’t get it, if that makes any sense. Basically what that says is, “Good evening (or morning, or morrow), I would like to talk to you, most likely to flirt, but I have nothing very important to say.” So, I get what it means, but I don’t know why anyone would use it. We’re initiating the conversation; we should bring something to the table. That’s what I think. It just translates to boring.

In short, it’s important to remember that men aren’t women, and the way we text is different. When a woman uses the “k.” that means something… something terrible… but a man using it is just an, “ok, I got it.” Plain and simple. I don’t think we’re weird texters, but then again it’s my team we’re talking about. I could ask you the same question.