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A Single Girl’s Tribute To Beyonce

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, the fact that I’m newly single is finally starting to settle in. It’s not the end of the world that I won’t be receiving store bought chocolates or a red teddy bear from a special sweetie, but no matter how bitter we may be about this “Hallmark” holiday, you know that pink m&m’s and a generic singing card is what every girl secretly wants. However, to help you cope with the harsh reality that you will be alone on this designated day of love, there’s Beyonce. As all of you know from my fellow HCIC’er Sam, we worship the Queen. Strong, beautiful and independent…the woman is practically a goddess. So on Thursday, instead of eating your feelings in secrecy while the “taken” girls prance around like puppies, raving about their perfect man, channel your inner Sasha Fierce and remember all that she has taught us:


“I’m a survivor I’m gonna make it

I will survive,

Keep on survivin’”(Survivor).


Don’t forget:


If I wanted the watch you’re wearin’, I’ll buy it

The house I live in, I’ve bought it

The car I’m driving, I’ve bought it

I depend on me, I depend on me

All the women who are independent

Throw your hands up at me” (Independent Women)


And keep in mind:


“Cuz I realized I got

Me myself and I

That’s all I got in the end

That’s what I found out

And it ain’t no need to cry

I took a vow that from now on

I’m gonna be my own best friend” (Me, Myself, and I).

Celebrate being a “Single Lady,” that doesn’t need a man to pay the “Bills Bills Bills.” Maybe next year you’ll have someone who loves you, “Flaws and All.” Until then, happy Valentine’s Day, and remember the wise words of our Queen: “You’re Irreplaceable!”

Hiya gals! My name is Emily, and I'm an Integrated Marketing Communications Major. I love to travel, can't say no to a nice slice of key lime pie, and I'm a pinterest-aholic. 
Hi HC readers!! My name is Carly and I am the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Ithaca College. I am currently majoring in Integrated Marketing Communications and minoring in Communication Management and Design and the Honors Program.  When I am not focusing on my studies or Her Campus, I enjoy singing, shopping, and watching reality television shows. I love writing and I am glad I am able to express my thoughts through Her Campus Ithaca. If you go to Ithaca and would love to get involved in writing for or promoting HCIC, send me an email at carlyschneer@hercampus.com. Keep Calm and Read On!