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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Since it’s Women’s History Month, I decided to speak with the woman who has had the biggest influence in my life: my mom. Linda Friebis is a homemaker from Horseheads, New York.

Her Campus IC: Who did you look up to when you were younger?

Linda Friebis: My dad. He’s always been a hard worker. He was tough, but you always knew you were loved and you could count on him.

HCIC: What woman did you look up to?

LF: My sister Terri. She was so cool and taught me a lot about friendships and who to trust and not to trust. She gave great advice.

HCIC: Have you faced any difficulties in your life because of your gender?

LF: In high school my guidance counselor told me to get married instead of going to college. That was very sexist.

HCIC: What advice would you give to your younger self?

LF: I would tell myself to want more for yourself and work hard. It’s such a small portion of your life to sacrifice for a big reward and a better future.

HCIC: What advice would you give to girls my age?

LF: Be confident, self-assured and self reliant. Do this through your actions and the plans you make for yourself and your life. Do it without just saying this is what you are doing.

HCIC: What’s your favorite thing about being a mom?

LF: I love being a mom and watching my kids grow and seeing who they are becoming. I love seeing how family comes through in you, whether it’s in looks or actions and having the unconditional love to my children. That really is such a strong bond.

Gillian was the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Ithaca from September 2018 to May 2019. She was a journalism major and anthropology minor at Ithaca College and graduated in May 2019. Gillian enjoys reading, writing, Harry Potter, the Sims and grilled cheese.