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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.


Looking to get off campus? Check out Buttermilk Falls! There’s some gorgeous views and insta-worthy photo ops. 

Shayna DePersia is from New York City. She's an Integrated Marketing and Communications major at Ithaca College's Roy H. Park School of Communications. She'd love to have a job in the creative department of an advertising agency when she graduates in 2018. While that's how she'd want to start her career off, her dreams include a talk show, and more importantly, to one day have a foster home in NYC (and expand upstate.) While she's the Social Media Director for Her Campus Ithaca (HCIC,) she loves writing articles when she can the most! P.S. You can call her Shay
Holly is a 20-something-year-old travel and lifestyle blogger (http://hollyhabeck.com) based in New York. She’s a Hufflepuff, and her Starbucks order forever remains a grande Iced Sweet Cream Cold Brew. When she’s not writing or editing photos for this site, you can find her watching The 100 with her fiancee and cuddling with her chihuahua x pomeranian pup Pixie.