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6 Ways to Occupy Yourself Over Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

Everyone looks forward to winter break as a time to relax at home and hang out with your old friends, but that gets old as soon as the holiday frenzy fades away. Here are some ideas to help you figure out what to do when you’re home for a month.

1. Plan a day trip or a weekend trip with your college friends

A great way to get yourself through the month home without seeing any of your friends from school is to plan a day or weekend trip. If your friends live close enough, you can visit each other or meet somewhere halfway. It’s a good way to ease the separation anxiety between finals and the start of the new semester.

2. Read a good book

Make it a goal to read at least one good book. Check the New York Times Book Review, Goodreads or however else you pick your books in order to make sure you’ll actually enjoy it. There’s nothing worse than starting a book with high hopes and giving up halfway through because it’s just no good.


3. Get a job

I know, this is not the most fun way to make yourself busy. But hey, money is money.


4. Get into a routine


Starting a routine is another great way to occupy yourself. Stop going to bed at three in the morning and waking up past noon and start something, like going to the gym or going on a run, to help your body get back into a routine.


5. Work on your New Year’s Resolutions

Everyone makes New Year’s Resolutions, but not very many people actually keep up with them. Getting an early start will help you keep up with them throughout the year, and continue them into the next year.


6. Take an online class through your university

Another way to occupy yourself that isn’t the most fun, but it’ll give you something to do and you can earn college credit, meaning you have space to take a more fun class later in your college career.

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McKinley is a Senior Public and Community Health Major who drinks too much coffee and stays up too late.