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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Indy chapter.

The one thing everyone knows about being a Communication major is that we “like to talk a lot.” While that is true for some people, it’s not the only thing that a Communication major has to offer. There are many things one can do with a major in Communication. In society, a Communication major can be looked down upon because of the way people perceive it. It’s time to debunk some of those stereotypes that people have about us Comm majors.

Comm is an “easy A”

I get it. Other majors have the hard labs that you spend HOURS on, but that does not mean that being a Comm major is the easiest thing to do. Instead I’m spending hours on a research paper that needs to be in great detail and analyzed carefully. We live and breathe presentations instead of trying to complete our difficult math homework. We have our struggles too and trust me, it’s not as easy as one thinks.

A “useless” degree

This is one of the frustrating moments of being a Comm major. People perceive us as spending all of this money to ultimately have a “useless” degree. A degree in Communication can get us farther in a job than one would think. The major covers a variety of paths such as broadcasting, public relations, journalism and many more. So it’s not a useless degree when we can take multiple different routes with it.

“All you have to do is learn how to communicate.”

Wrong. Yes, we have to learn how to communicate but we have to do it effectively. We are learning how to improve our communication skills to further us in our future careers. Understanding different methods of communication skills gives us a wide variety of ways to relate to an audience. You learn different methods of communication that are only going to help you grow into someone that can understand what people want.

There are many stereotypes surrounding a Communication major. It’s time we realize that these skills are fundamental to our life and career. You can only go up from here.

Communication Major Socoiology Minor Concentration in Public Relations Member of Top Dog Communication