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TOP TEN: The Ten Lies She Swears Are True

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

It’s not very ladylike to lie, but depending on the situation, it can be less ladylike to tell the truth. We’re all guilty of telling a white lie here and there, whether it’s to get out of a sticky situation, save face or to allow us to put our best foot forward. Here are the most frequently used white lies we’re all guilty of telling.

“I’ll be ready in 10 minutes.”

There’s a lot of effort that goes into looking good, and this process can take a long time. And besides, there’s no such thing as being “fashionably early.” We all know and accept this, but this is still a mystery to a lot of men. So, we lie and tell them “I’ll be ten minutes, tops” when we just got out of the shower and our hair is still soaked.

“I have a boyfriend.”

There are times when we’re out with our friends and a really sketchy male approaches us. When you’re not interested, it’s just easier to use this line. No guy wants to be that guy, so playing the imaginary boyfriend card is usually a safe bet.

“All we did was kiss.”

It goes without saying that girls talk and judge. When you’re sitting with your friends talking about last night, and they start asking about the cute guy they saw you leaving with, it’s sometimes wise to leave a little to the imagination, well, unless he was a babe. In that case, spill it.

“I want a nice guy.”

We all say it, but if this was true, we’d all be fighting over the guy we unanimously friend-zoned a couple months ago. He’s cute, he’s smart, he’s funny, but he’s just too nice. Just like a guy doesn’t want an easy girl, a girl doesn’t want a guy who’s too easy to have, no matter how sweet he might be.

“I don’t care.”

Yes, you definitely do care. It’s okay, we all do it, and there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re programmed to care about things more than we probably should, and if something’s bothering you, it’s nothing a little ice cream and a venting session with your bestie can’t fix.

“I’m a virgin/I’m not a virgin.”

The jury’s out on being a virgin/not being a virgin in college. Depending on who you’re talking to and your situation, it’s either completely acceptable or unacceptable to be a virgin, or vice versa. Although you should definitely stay true to yourself and not to worry about what others think, it’s usually just easier to tell whoever you’re with what you think they want to hear to avoid going into depth about your sexcapades, or lack thereof.

“I workout every day.”

Fitness is incredibly important in life in order to stay healthy and happy. With that said, nobody goes to the gym every day, except maybe that really cute, muscular guy you’re talking to who won’t stop talking about the gym. There’s nothing wrong with trying to show him that the two of you have something in common.

“I hate drama.”

Who doesn’t love a good piece of gossip? Where does gossip originate? Drama, of course. We will never admit it, but we love drama, as long as it doesn’t involve us.

“I’m a 34DD.”

Bra size is a touchy subject, and it’s probably the easiest thing to lie about now that there are varying degrees of push up bras available. So, we lie about it relentlessly, mostly because we can.

Don’t feel bad, ladies. Guys aren’t any better than we are.