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TOP TEN: Summer Mantras To Live By

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.


College can be the best time of your life, but it can also be the most stressful. Every now and then, you owe it to yourself to blow off some steam. Going out with your friends can be a great way to relieve stress, especially in the midst of taking that summer class you thought would be easy and working that part time job that you thought would just be a small commitment. Sometimes, though, you’re tired or feel like you should be responsible and stay in. You just need a little extra motivation to put on that cute summer dress and let loose a little. Lucky for you, I have provided some really great mantras to help you rationalize why it’s important to at least make an appearance at that get-together. Now, repeat after me.

“My crush just texted me!”

You’ve been eyeing that really cute guy from the cubicle across the way since you started your internship at the beginning of the summer. Through pure luck and, okay, some strategic planning on your part, you “accidentally” bumped into him on your lunch break the other day. Now, he’s wondering what your plans are for the night. This is your chance!

“It’s been a rough week.”

You acted like a functioning member of society (all before noon, mind you) five times this week. Not to mention you worked really hard when you weren’t taking Facebook and Pinterest breaks. After all of this hard work and early morning wake-up-calls, you’ve earned a great night out with some friends.

“This weather is perfect.”

If you are anywhere in the Midwest this summer, then you know that beautiful days have been few and far between this year. If the weather is finally cooperating, then Mother Nature is finally giving you her blessing to spend some time in the great outdoors, or in this case, at that bonfire in your friend’s yard. Who doesn’t love s’mores?


“I’m looking fabulous.”

Waking up with the realization that you’re looking and feeling fabulous is already a confidence booster and puts you in a good mood for the day. This calls for a celebration! Get out there and show the world that you look and feel fantastic. Don’t waste the opportunity that has fallen right into your fabulous lap.

“It’s my best friend’s birthday!“

Your best friend only gets to celebrate her birthday once a year. You know her celebration won’t be complete without you by her side, so actually, you have no excuse not to go.

“I just bought the cutest outfit!”

Summer sales are the best. You finally found the perfect dress, and it was 40% off. It’s time to break it in and strut your stuff.

“Everyone will be so sad if I’m not there.”

You know, you’re really doing everyone else a favor by making an appearance tonight. If you’re not there, who’s going to be the life of the party?

“I’ll work out really hard tomorrow. And maybe even skip that breakfast burrito.”

It’s no mystery that going out can really make you pack on the pounds. It’s all about balance, though. So you go out and have a few with your besties, just go hit the gym tomorrow morning afternoon once you’ve had a chance to recuperate. Maybe even take a pass on that extra cheesy pizza.

“I’m only in town for the weekend.”

If you’re visiting your college town for the weekend, you have to make the most of it. Come Monday, you’re back to your painfully boring internship where they didn’t even give you a desk and your biggest responsibility is fetching your boss coffee each morning. You owe it to yourself to enjoy the short amount of time you’re in town.

“I deserve it.”

Whether you’ve been working hard for that perfect tan or busting your butt at the office all week, you’ve been really pushing yourself lately. Hurry up and get ready; you won’t regret it!