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Top 5 Things Our Favorite TV Shows Taught Us

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.
As summer starts wrapping up, there may be a thing or two left to do on the mandatory summer bucket list. For some, this may mean traveling to another state or seeing a favorite band.
But for others, those that suffer from the “just one more episode, I promise” syndrome that I constantly deal with, there is one goal on the mandatory to-do list that can’t be avoided or ignored: binge-watching a television show on Netflix. 
From the shows that are fairly new to the ones that have been on since childhood days, there’s a show or two for everyone out there.
If you’re anything like me, staying in for an entire day without pants and inadequate meals while the seconds tick until the next episode starts is not a problem. It’s when you reach day three and realize that you haven’t seen anyone else unless it’s between episodes that you wonder if something is wrong. 
But even then, starting season four of “30 Rock” is more important than whether the clock on the wall stands for 12 p.m. or 12 a.m. That’s where this list comes along. 
For those that can’t understand anyone’s fascination behind “The Walking Dead” or “New Girl” this is a list for you. Little did you know “Breaking Bad” was teaching us all a thing or two, right? Well… never mind.
1. “New Girl”
“New Girl” is one of those shows that make horrible real-life situations somehow hilarious. Girls can find themselves wishing they lived in an apartment full of males and thanking the heavens that they don’t all at the same time. But one of the great things this show teaches us is that there is no shame in being one of the boys. Sometimes dresses and pink parties aren’t for everyone. But even if they are, having a group of guys to hang out with instead of a girl posse can be just as interesting—if not even more crazy. 
2. “Supernatural”
“Supernatural” delves into all types of folklore. From werewolves to fairies, this show erases the idea of glittery vampires and should most definitely not be watched in the dark, alone. The two main characters, Dean and Sam Winchester, prove that through all types of problems and life-ending situations, nothing is more important than siblings sticking together. 
3. “The Walking Dead”
Some may wonder how a show filled with walking corpses that feed on humans is relatable in any way. But the answer here is simple. Most of the problems in this show arise when, instead of zombies hunting people, people hunt people. If there’s anything we need to learn from this show—besides how to train our future children to listen when told to stay in the house (I mean, c’mon Carl)—it’s that joining together to work as a group can end with better results. 
4. “The Big Bang Theory”
“The Big Bang Theory” gives a list of new scientific facts to its viewers with each episode; along with a song about a kitten. An important lesson from this show, however, is that one should never change who they are simply to win the affection of another. Sometimes it’s exactly who you are that intrigues someone instead of who you think you have to be. 
5. “30 Rock”
“30 Rock” has been my latest binge show. Though I may watch it because Tina Fey can do no wrong in my book and I may actually be the college version of Liz Lemon, the show has not failed to teach me a lesson or two. Most importantly, “30 Rock” encourages its viewers to be as weird and different as they want to be as long as they are being true to themselves. It’s a lesson of a lifetime, really. 
There are more than five shows with life lessons strung through each episode. Netflix can attest to that. Attempt to leave the comfort of your couch while the summer days last, but enjoy what each television show can bring to the plate as well.
My name is Aaliyah Gibson and I am the future of the entertainment world. I write what you want to read and who you want to read about. But I do it because catching a glimpse into anyone's world besides our own is always a little more interesting than the ordinary, right? I am a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign majoring in Journalism and this isn't the first or the last you'll hear from me. Just keep an eye out. And keep on reading! 
A senior at the University of Illinois, Elizabeth spends half of her time in denial of her impending graduation and the other half acting as Editor-in-Chief/ President/Campus Correspondent for the site you're on now, Her Campus Illinois. Her favorite color is pink, which makes this position a match made in heaven. Still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up, her passions lie in writing, digital marketing, social media and fashion. Connect with her on Twitter and Instagram @champaigngirl. And if you prefer good, old fashioned email, reach her at elizabethdeuel@hercampus.com.