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Top 10 UIUC Moments of 2014

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

The month long vacation, loads of new clothes and items to tote back to school and newfound resolutions can only mean one thing: the start of spring semester is upon us. And while the end of the school year in May may be special due to the three months of complete relaxation, there’s just something special about coming back to school in the New Year. Besides the “New Year, New Me” slogan trending on Twitter, having a fresh start all around is just what some students need. So, before the new semester begins, let’s look over all of the good and the bad of the 2014 school year at the University of Illinois.

10. Starbucks Opening in the Illini Union Bookstore

The Starbucks on Green Street was already a luxury for some students, but when another opened in one of the most convenient places on campus, the long lines began to form before the first Frappuccino could even be ordered.

9. McDonald’s Opening on Green Street

After a night out, nothing can complete the perfect night like a great meal with a side of fries and a drink. So, when the golden arch graced the heart of campus, McFlurries, chicken nuggets and happy meals made a reappearance to the campus diet. Try ordering after 2 a.m. on a weekend to test it.

8. Announcement of Online Winter Courses

After papers, exams and early classes for four straight months, there’s nothing like the sweet bliss of absolute nothingness during winter break. At least, it feels that way until two weeks have gone by and there is an indent of ones’ body in the mattress. This winter break, however, was the first of its kind. Students had the opportunity to use winter break to complete course work that may take up needed time during the fall and spring semester. It’s a new, proactive ways for students to use time.

7. Illini Win Homecoming Football Game

Winning a game is always a big deal around campus, but winning the homecoming game was a joyous event worth celebrating over. The crowd was on edge throughout the entirety of the game, but after scoring a winning touchdown, the energy could be felt through the stadium. One of the top moments of being an Illini student.

6. Nike Rebrands University’s Althetic Teams

Sports teams on campus got a new look this year. Orange and blue have been the Illini colors since November 6, 1894, according to an article from “The Oregonian” detailing the school’s rebranding. Though those colors stayed, Nike teamed up with the university to add a “secondary palette of white, dark steel gray and metallic silver,” according to the article. The look sparked conversation on campus with students such as Mitchell Babendir, a sophomore in the College of Engineering, not liking the new look and thinking “It doesn’t look nice at all.” The color change, however, was just one of the many changes on campus.

5. The Return of Alma Mater Statue

After a year and a half of restoration, the Alma Mater sculpture was finally brought back unto campus on April 9. After being unveiled on campus by artist Lorado Taft in 1929, Alma was taken away on August 7, 2012, to be repaired for water corrosion, but her return displayed its natural bronze coloring and laser-cleaned surface. It was a campus landmark restored once again.

4. Alma Vandalized

Restored from water damage and decades of corrosion, Alma faced more damage by having her eyes scratched. Especially since this event occurred just a few days before homecoming week, the news spread quickly and was a topic amongst faculty and students alike.

3. Chancellor Wise Disrespected on Twitter

When the cold weather hit the UIUC campus, students quickly crossed their fingers for a day off. After not being granted the wish by Chancellor Wise, a few silly tweets soon turned into racist, outlandish comments that acquired the attention of news outlets far from the streets of Champaign-Urbana.

2. UIUC Students Protest for Ferguson

The case of Michael Brown is an epidemic that continues to demonstrate how an event in one city can affect a nation. Students quickly protested the injustice of the event in a peaceful manner by marching down Gregory Drive with signs stating “Black lives matter.” Not only will the event forever be a mark in the history of 2014 and America, but is symbol of how students can join together on campus.

1. UIUC vs. Salaita

If this event sounds new in any way, newspapers circulated nationally and locally must have been completely avoided. An incident still being talked about to this day, the discussion of Steven Salaita and freedom of speech reminds heavy with students.


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My name is Aaliyah Gibson and I am the future of the entertainment world. I write what you want to read and who you want to read about. But I do it because catching a glimpse into anyone's world besides our own is always a little more interesting than the ordinary, right? I am a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign majoring in Journalism and this isn't the first or the last you'll hear from me. Just keep an eye out. And keep on reading! 
A senior at the University of Illinois, Elizabeth spends half of her time in denial of her impending graduation and the other half acting as Editor-in-Chief/ President/Campus Correspondent for the site you're on now, Her Campus Illinois. Her favorite color is pink, which makes this position a match made in heaven. Still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up, her passions lie in writing, digital marketing, social media and fashion. Connect with her on Twitter and Instagram @champaigngirl. And if you prefer good, old fashioned email, reach her at elizabethdeuel@hercampus.com.