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Three Reasons Why Gilmore Girls Is The Perfect Fall Show

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

As the temperatures start to go down (hopefully), the trees start to change colors and sweatshirts are finally able to be worn again. It marks the start of fall! And with the start of the best season of the year, it marks a new rewatch for a lot of Gilmore Girls fans. But I know that a lot of people are still skeptical about watching this old WB show. If you are on the fence about watching, I am going to give you a list of reasons why this fall should be the perfect time for you to travel to Stars Hollow.

Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Warner Bros. Television

1. The music

In a show that features “There She Goes” by The La’s as the opening song, you already know that you are in for a ride when it comes to the soundtrack of the show. “There She Goes” really sets the tone for the whole show. Other notable names in just season one of the soundtrack include Mazzy Star’s classic “Fade Into You,” Carole King’s “Where You Lead I Will Follow,” which is the title track, and many, many others. The music of Gilmore Girls makes you feel warm and cozy, just as people need to feel in fall when the chilly weather comes around. 

Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham in gilmore girls
Saeed Adyani/Netflix

2. The Aesthetic of Stars Hollow

Gilmore Girls takes place in a fictional (but we all wish it was real) town in Connecticut. There are weekly town meetings, harvest festivals, and 24-hour-long dance marathons. Another perk is that it always feels like a fall. The trees are always orange, everyone is always wearing sweaters and flannels, and somehow they all always look so put together. There is a hue over Stars Hollow. I mean, come on, the town is literally called Stars Hollow. If that does not scream fall, then I don’t know what does. Something is always going on in Stars Hollow that just seems like it belongs in a fall museum. 

3. The Comfort

I know for myself and many others, that Gilmore Girls is a comfort show. The characters, though they are fictional, feel real. Rory and all of her boy drama feels exceptionally real. I think there is truly something that happens when Gilmore Girls is on that makes us want to live in a tiny town in Connecticut filled with nosy neighbors. Gilmore Girls so effortlessly threads the needle between what we wish our lives were and real life, and in doing so, it is an escape for so many people. It truly does not matter if this is your first time viewing the show or if you have watched it more than a dozen times like I have, everything about this show feels like home. No matter how many times I have watched this show, it consistently is what I need it to be. 

So, if you are on the fence about starting Gilmore Girls, let this fall be the start to your Stars Hollow journey. I promise you will not regret it, and if anything, you will be arguing with me over team Dean, Jess, or Logan.

Grace Bernstein

Illinois '27

Hi I’m Grace! I am a freshman studying journalism, and I am really excited to be working with Her Campus :)