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Sports Blog: The Guide for What to Get the Men in Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

The holidays are a time of gift giving, but many times it’s hard to know what to give your dad, brother, or significant other. With this gift ‘cheat sheet’ you will know how to give the perfect gift for the man in your life.

Some basic tips to get you started:

  1. Ask yourself what type of guy he is: If you don’t already know, figure out what type of guy he is. Does like sports, does he like the outdoors, does he enjoy video games, etc? Figuring this out will definitely help you with your gift search.
  2. Figure out how much you are willing to spend: The prices are very variable when it comes to gifts, but you need to figure out how much you would be willing to spend for the perfect present.
  3. Customize the gift to his likes: Add a personal touch to the gift by showing him you know what fits his personality best. For example, if he likes sports- instead of just getting him a jersey, figure out his favorite player or get him tickets for both of you to go to a game.
  4. Guys like comfort and simplicity: Whatever your present may be, keep it simple. Men like things that are easy to figure to out and even easier to use. So, if you are picking out a wallet, gadget or clothes, keep it simple.
  5. Ask for help: If you don’t know, ask his friends or family and figure out what he likes. Generally his ‘guys’ will have a pretty good idea of the stuff he would appreciate, and the stuff he would kick to the curb.

Some Great Gifts for Your Man:
Depending on what type of guy he is, here is a list of some great gifts to get him.
Gadgets: For the video game lover or gadget lover, some great things to get your guy are obviously video games, game consoles, and all electronics. Guys also love most anything that they can play with. On the higher end, you could get him a new IPOD, IPAD, or even the newest games on the call of PS3 and XBOX consoles. On the cheaper end, you could give him some great electronic accessories or some video game gadgets.

Highlighted gift: Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3 on XBOX


Media: Most guys love the media. Figure out his favorite TV show, movie, or music. On the cheaper side, you could get him his favorite movie or his favorite TV show on DVD. Or, you could go for the more expensive gift and give him his favorite band’s concert tickets. Either one works, just know what he likes.
Highlighted gift: Any season of The Office or Curb Your Enthusiasm
Sports gear/ activities:
In the case of sports, shop for something that correlates with the team he likes, or what sports he loves. On the higher end, you could get him tickets to see his favorite sports team (Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls). On the cheaper side, you could get him some sports gear (T-shirts, hats, etc).  If he enjoys running, playing basketball, or any other types of sports you could pick of some sports gear at Dick’s or a Sports Authority. Your man will definitely appreciate these gifts, and be proud to sport them anywhere.
Highlighted Gifts: Derek Rose Bulls Jersey

The outdoors: Take advantage of the gifts for the guy who loves to things like hiking, biking, and camping. Some great go to gifts are running bands, light up water bottles, camping gear, shoes, camping clothing, or pocket knives. For the outdoorsman, the gifts are pretty much endless.
Highlighted Gift: Nike Sport Watch with GPS

Something he can enjoy with his friends: A lot of guys have a specific type of alcohol that they really enjoy or a bar that they love to go to. You could get them their favorite drink, or rent out a bar for he and his buddies for the night. Another great gift would be a gift certificate to dinner for him to enjoy with you, or with his friends.
Highlighted Gift: Bar sign, or a bottle of his favorite liquor.
Gifts All Men Will Love:
Coupon Books: I know this sounds cheesy, but it’s seriously a great gift. Whether it’s a coupon for a back massage or a nice home cooked meal, the men in your life will love this. Add some cute decorations to the book and I guarantee you, you will have one happy guy.  
The way to his heart: Is through cooking. Often times cooking a home cooked meal for your dad, brother, or boyfriend or even baking some brownies is an inexpensive and awesome present. Not only does this show off your cooking skills, but also you will save a lot of money and a lot of energy that requires you to search for a gift.   
Give him something that shows him you care: Any gift that shows you put time and energy will surely impress the guy in your life. This can be anything from making a picture collage, to customizing a t-shirt. Just keep in mind that men are pretty simple, and most of the time will appreciate that you took the time and effort to get them a gift in the first place. 

Emily Cleary is a 22-year-old news-editorial journalism major hoping to work in the fashion industry, whether that be in editorial, marketing, PR or event planning is TBD. With internships at Teen Vogue and StyleChicago.com, it's clear that she is a fashion fanatic. When she's not studying (she's the former VP of her sorority, Delta Delta Delta), writing for various publications or attending meetings for clubs like Business Careers in Entertainment Club, Society of Professional Journalists, The Business of Fashion Club, or for her role as the Assistant Editor of the Arts & Entertainment section of her school's magazine, she's doing something else; you will never find her sitting still. She loves: running (you know those crazy cross-country runners...), attending concerts and music festivals, shopping (of course), hanging out with friends, visiting her family at home, traveling (she studied abroad in London when she was able to travel all over Europe), taking pictures, tweeting, reading stacks and stacks of magazines and newspapers while drinking a Starbuck's caramel light frappacino, blogs and the occasional blogging, eating anything chocolate and conjuring up her next big project. Living just 20 minutes outside of Chicago, she's excited to live there after graduation, but would love to spend some time in New York, LA, London or Paris (she speaks French)!