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An Olympian For Making A Difference: Rachel Joyce

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Her Campus: Where are you from and what’s major?

Rachel Joyce: I’m from Oakbrook, Illinois and I am an MCB major.

HC: What prompted you to start Special Olympics at U of I?

RJ: I knew people who had been in it and people who had volunteered with it, and they all really enjoyed it and said it was a really rewarding experience. We didn’t have anything on campus having to do with Special Olympics. There is a local Special Olympics, but not a lot of college students were involved in it. By starting this RSO, I thought it would open up a lot of opportunities for students interested in doing this kind of stuff.

HC: What do you hope for for Special Olympics in the future?

RJ: I want us to eventually have our own Special Olympics team, but it’s a very lengthy process.

HC: What upcoming events do you guys have?

RJ: We have a Special Olympics carnival coming up on Friday, October 26th from 2-6 pm in Frat Park. There will be games and prizes, food, music, hot chocolate, apple cider and free giveaways. But most importantly, “We Are Lions” will be selling T-shirts there, too! “We Are Lions” sells T-shirts designed by children with intellectual disabilities, and the money then goes to non-profit organizations of the child’s choosing.

HC: Did you face any challenges while trying to start this RSO?

RJ: I had to get approval from National Special Olympics, which took a little bit of time. But just getting people involved is the biggest thing!

Rachel, right, volunteering in the Galapagos Islands during her senior year of high school.

HC: What can students on campus (or people not on campus!) do to help support Special Olympics at U of I?

RJ: Spreading the word is the best thing. Since we are a new RSO, we would love to have a ton of new members. Donations are welcome as well!

HC: When are your meeting times?

RJ: We don’t have a set time and place yet, but usually Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

HC: What are your goals for the future?

RJ: I would like to go to medical school and become a surgeon.

You can find Special Olympics UIUC on Facebook and Twitter
Email: specialolympics.uiuc@gmail.com

Also be sure to check out “We Are Lions” at wearelions.org