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Music Blog: 10 Songs You’ll Love for Halloween Weekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Many of us are still basking in the glow of October 20th’s  Fighting Illini PINK Fest, but with Halloween just around the corner, it is crunch time for our “getting ready” party sets on lockdown before we get spooky this weekend. Here are 10 songs you’ll love this holiday weekend!

1. “Thriller” by Michael Jackson
Honestly what Halloween playlist would be complete without this Halloween classic by none other than the King of Pop himself? Transport yourself back to 1982 and be sure to catch one of the most popular music videos ever.


2. “We Found Love” by Rihanna
I’m not sure which is spookier—the fact that Rihanna and Chris Brown are still communicating via song or that Rihanna still can’t seem to get over her ex-boo? Either way, this song is a must-play right now, even on Halloween.

3. “Monster Mash” by Bobby “Boris” Picket
Another oldie but goodie, this song always brings about those warm fuzzy memories of trick-or-treating around the neighborhood as a kid. I still enjoy it while getting ready to “trick-or-treat” at house parties as a collegiette.

4. “Ghostbusters” by Steve N King, Ivory
This mash-up mixes the Ghostbusters theme song with a certain Latin flavor that’s sure to spice up getting ready routine. Pair it with some Halloween punch for a spooktacular evening.

5. “Get Your Freak On” by Missy Elliot
If you haven’t been to a Halloween house party yet, you should know that when college students say “dress up,” they often mean dress down…Halloween for many is just another excuse to look PG-13 without getting those looks. So go ahead and get your freak on! (But maybe not in that Cady Herron kind of way.)

6. “Beautiful People” by Chris Brown
Play this song once you realize that your Halloween costume is finally coming together and that you and your friends are actually starting to look and feel H-A-W-T.

7. “Hands in the Air” by Girl Talk
The main idea of getting ready with your girlfriends is to enjoy some quality girl talk before you go out and see what’s-his-face. Why not add some Girl Talk to get the bass kicked up and the party pumping.

8. “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” by Cassey Doreen
There’s nothing like some fun girly music after a serious talk with your girlfriends. So before you hit the door to go to El Leon Rojo, listen to this classic and get yourself prime party mode.

9. “Maldito Alcohol” by Pitbull
Brush up on your three semesters of Spanish while pregaming to this song. It’s a guaranteed to get the party started and will help you take that tequila from Song #4.

10. Eminem Like Toy Soldiers–Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Mash-up) by Adam Clayton
If you’re a senior like I am, you just want this Halloween to be the best ever, right? It’s bittersweet, reminiscing about all the Halloweens of the past (like 2010 when the bottom of your Halloween costume from Halloween 2010 fell apart out of nowhere and there was nothing you could do about it). You barely remember your first college Halloween, but this year, you’re determined to take enough pictures to remember your last forever!
Want more Halloween suggestions? Listen to the rest of my playlist on Spotify!

 HCIllinois_Halloween 2011

Emily Cleary is a 22-year-old news-editorial journalism major hoping to work in the fashion industry, whether that be in editorial, marketing, PR or event planning is TBD. With internships at Teen Vogue and StyleChicago.com, it's clear that she is a fashion fanatic. When she's not studying (she's the former VP of her sorority, Delta Delta Delta), writing for various publications or attending meetings for clubs like Business Careers in Entertainment Club, Society of Professional Journalists, The Business of Fashion Club, or for her role as the Assistant Editor of the Arts & Entertainment section of her school's magazine, she's doing something else; you will never find her sitting still. She loves: running (you know those crazy cross-country runners...), attending concerts and music festivals, shopping (of course), hanging out with friends, visiting her family at home, traveling (she studied abroad in London when she was able to travel all over Europe), taking pictures, tweeting, reading stacks and stacks of magazines and newspapers while drinking a Starbuck's caramel light frappacino, blogs and the occasional blogging, eating anything chocolate and conjuring up her next big project. Living just 20 minutes outside of Chicago, she's excited to live there after graduation, but would love to spend some time in New York, LA, London or Paris (she speaks French)!