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Meet Jesse Goddard, President of IMPULSE and Professional Model

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Jesse Goddard has been modeling and acting since she was thirteen years old, and she is now the President of IMPULSE Magazine at the University of Illinois.

Her Campus: Can you tell us a little about your modeling background?

Jesse Goddard: I started modeling at age 13 and it was all because I walked into some salon where I’m from with my mom. I then met my mother agent (the agent who discovers you,) and she asked me if I ever considered modeling –as a tall and awkward 13 year old, obviously not –but I said yes, and I’ve loved every minute of it. It has taught me to grow up at a much faster rate than I would have if I didn’t. I’ve been managing my own money and scheduling jobs with my agents since before kids were even thinking about those things, and it has been and invaluable experience. After meeting my mother agent, I then signed with Elite Model Management in Chicago (I’ve been signed with them ever since, although they changed their name to Factor Women.) Last summer I signed in Los Angeles with LA Models and I’m planning on heading to Europe this summer to work overseas. There are no specific projects, just jobs. And those have been coming in regularly, so that’s good! Notable names I’ve worked for have been Khols, Sears, Kmart, Meijer, Bonton, Cosmo magazine, Seventeen magazine and MAC.

HC: What are your career goals?

JG: Right now I’m pursuing broadcast journalism because that’s where my passion always was. I did it in high school, and I have never stopped loving it. Although I also would love to take a job in magazine work since I have so much experience with it, I feel like working with video really gives me the creative outlet that I need. I would love to either work for a fashion magazine as an editorial assistant or in video/multimedia or for a news station that allows me to be creative with my work. I’m currently interviewing with entertainment news programs in LA for internships this summer because I’m hoping that I will find they allow me that creative outlet.

HC: How has your time at the University of Illinois helped you to work toward achieving your career goals?

JG: The U of I has given me “IMPULSE,” and that has been invaluable. Although I have enjoyed every class and every teacher I’ve worked with in media, “IMPULSE” has taught me how to be an innovative journalist and how to run a successful business at age 20. UIUC has also provided me with amazing television classes. I recently took a multimedia course, and now I’m in TV1 and both of them have given me opportunities to explore what a good story can be if you are persistent and passionate about it. Journalism is a tough field to go into, and you have to really love it to be successful.