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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Life can be stressful at times and college is one of those places where that feeling can oftentimes escalate due to the pileup of papers, projects and heavy workloads. Today, I am here to help you navigate these four years and teach you how to remain as calm and collected as possible.

Get a Planner

Although it may seem obvious, this is an essential step to ensuring that you build structure into your days. Having a place where you are able to organize all of your extracurriculars and events will help make your days a lot easier and can help you better plan out your weeks. I like to write all of the things that I have weekly down alongside the time that they correspond with. While you don’t necessarily have to plan things down to the minute, it is nice to have a visualization of what you need to check off your to-do list. Whether it be a physical planner, journal or Google Calendar, be sure to get something that allows you to see a bigger picture of how each day will go. This will help you build a routine and mitigate chaos.

Take Breaks

Life in college is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. It can often feel full speed ahead being surrounded by so many go-getters and highly motivated individuals. This is your reminder that it is okay to take breaks and prioritize your wellbeing. While it is important to study hard and work diligently, you also should take time to rest so that you don’t get burnt out. By taking the necessary time to recharge you will be able to better handle the day-to-day obstacles of university. Whether it be going for a walk with a friend or listening to feel-good music to unwind from a hectic day, find ways in which you can relax from the busyness of the typical college schedule.

Join Clubs and Activities That Inspire You

One of the most exciting aspects of college is that you get to plan your own schedule and cater it to what you are interested in. I highly recommend attending your campus’ Quad Day and choosing to get involved in organizations that fuel you. Be sure not to overload your plate because chances are that your college will have an extensive amount of things to participate in. Figure out what you like and participate in clubs that you can build upon during your undergraduate career. This will help you stay motivated and will create a space where you will feel inspired by the work that you do!

I hope you enjoy these tips and tricks to help you adjust to college life and manage your time well. Having a planner, setting time aside for breaks and participating in activities that fuel your passions are all ways in which you can form a schedule that sets you up for success!

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Lauren Reidy

Illinois '25

Hi! My name is Lauren and I am a Junior majoring in Communication with minors in both Business and Public Relations at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am from Chicago, IL and joined Her Campus my first semester of college to find a group of passionate and empowering women to surround myself with. I love reading books, writing, listening to Taylor Swift, drinking coffee, and taking group fitness classes. I'm so excited that you are on this journey with me, thanks for following along!