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Here’s How You Can Save Your Skin During UIUC’S Finals Season

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Presented by Her Campus x Estée Lauder

With only a few weeks left in the spring semester, summer is just around the cornfields. Though it can feel exponentially closer with the sun greeting us more often, we still need to get through finals before we can fully unwind – which is stressful to say the least!

Between all the stress, sleepless nights, and prepackaged meals devoured in between study sessions at Grainger, it’s likely that your skin is going to suffer. (I can’t even begin to count the times I’ve felt a pesky breakout sneak up on me during finals season!) But, it doesn’t have to!

If you’re looking for a way to preserve your glow and save your skin this finals season, then you *need* to try the products in Estée Lauder’s amazing new Nutritious Skincare Collection. Not only is it Environmental Working Group (EWG) Verified™, but the combination of these products is guaranteed to transform your skincare routine and reintroduce your glow, so you can ace your finals and look good while doing them. Learn more about these amazing products and their benefits below!

step 1: 2-in-1 foam cleanser

Start your new and improved routine with Estée Lauder’s Nutritious 2-in-1 Foam Cleanser. This will jumpstart your regimen by deeply cleansing your skin and removing all the excess oil in the process. With its nutrient-rich formula that is oil-free and infused with sweet kelp, red algae ferment and coconut water, it is especially suitable for sensitive and acne-prone skin! Trust me – your skin will thank you for allowing it to breathe.


The next step in your regimen includes utilizing Estée Lauder’s Nutritious Radiant Essence Treatment Lotion! This infusion is proven to significantly minimize the appearance of your pores, and allow your skin to stay hydrated!


The last step includes applying Estée Lauder’s Nutritious Melting Soft Créme/Mask Moisturizer, which is lightweight and soothing. It’s proven to strengthen your moisture barrier and replenish your skin. Good riddance, redness!

Step 4: glow!

By keeping your skin healthy, this will help aid the stress that finals are responsible for, and serve as a well-deserved excuse for a spa night with your friends!

Her Campus at Illinois sends the best of luck to all the UIUC students during this upcoming finals season. Here’s to embarking on a sweet and glowy summer!

Iga Stepaniak

Illinois '23

Hi! I'm currently a senior at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign studying Psychology and Communication. I am the VP of Editorial for the Her Campus Illinois Chapter. In my free time, I love to write, travel, and read.