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Health/Fitness Blog: What’s the Deal with Foam Rollers?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Have you seen those giant chalk-like pieces of equipment sitting around at the ARC and wondered what the heck they are?  These foam rollers are actually an easy and inexpensive way to massage and stretch aching muscles. If you’re athlete, dancer, or just someone who loves to workout, they’re a must-have addition to your gym bag. What’s even better is that you’ll never need to spend another dollar on a massage again.

What are the benefits of using foam rollers?
If you can name a muscle—calf, glute, hamstring, quad, IT band, and even your back—chances are it can be massaged with a foam roller. Foam rollers are also great for stretching muscles, which leads to increased flexibility and decreased muscle tension.
How do I use one?
Foam rollers are simple to use.  As the photo below demonstrates, let your hands and the roller support your weight and roll up and down the length of whatever muscle you are trying to massage for about 30-60 seconds.
You may feel pain at first when rolling out tight muscles or if you hit a sensitive spot.  If this happens, hold the position and let the muscle sink into the roller. By focusing on sensitive spots, it will help you relieve muscle tightness. You can also look up foam roller exercises on YouTube.


When should I use a foam roller?
You can use a foam roller before and after workouts. They are useful to wake up and loosen your muscles before hitting the gym. A roller can also be used in your cool down routine to relax muscles. You can roll out your muscles as often as you like, but doing it everyday will maximize the benefits of foam rolling. You’ll start to notice a decrease in muscle tension in no time.
Where can I buy a foam roller?
They are available at the ARC and CRCE. You can also purchase one at a gym supply store or online.

Emily Cleary is a 22-year-old news-editorial journalism major hoping to work in the fashion industry, whether that be in editorial, marketing, PR or event planning is TBD. With internships at Teen Vogue and StyleChicago.com, it's clear that she is a fashion fanatic. When she's not studying (she's the former VP of her sorority, Delta Delta Delta), writing for various publications or attending meetings for clubs like Business Careers in Entertainment Club, Society of Professional Journalists, The Business of Fashion Club, or for her role as the Assistant Editor of the Arts & Entertainment section of her school's magazine, she's doing something else; you will never find her sitting still. She loves: running (you know those crazy cross-country runners...), attending concerts and music festivals, shopping (of course), hanging out with friends, visiting her family at home, traveling (she studied abroad in London when she was able to travel all over Europe), taking pictures, tweeting, reading stacks and stacks of magazines and newspapers while drinking a Starbuck's caramel light frappacino, blogs and the occasional blogging, eating anything chocolate and conjuring up her next big project. Living just 20 minutes outside of Chicago, she's excited to live there after graduation, but would love to spend some time in New York, LA, London or Paris (she speaks French)!