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Health/Fitness Blog: Walking to Stay Fit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

This workout is cheap, easy, requires little athleticism and anyone can do it. All you need is your own two legs. If you guessed walking, congrats! Now it’s time to hit the pavement!
According to researchers at the University of Virginia, short, brisk walks are good for burning fat and they also found that vigorous walkers were more likely to burn calories faster throughout the day. For a fat burning walk, you should be walking at a pace of 3.5-4 miles per hour for at least 20-30 minutes. As you get comfortable with a certain pace you can always increase the difficulty of your workout by walking faster or walking on an incline or decline.


Another benefit to walking is that it doesn’t have to be done in a gym, or even on a treadmill. To switch it up, try walking on a track, gravel path, sidewalk, or just about anywhere. If walking seems a little to boring for you, bring friends. If you’re talking while walking at a moderate pace, you won’t even notice you’re exercising.
If you have yet to introduce cardio into your workout routine, walking is a great place to start. For people who want to become runners, brisk walks are a great way to ease into running. As you continue to improve and up the pace of your walks, you’ll find yourself running in no time. It really is that simple to work up to being able to run. It’s all about gradually turning up the speed.
I enjoy walking not only for the health benefits, but also as a break during the day from the stress of studying and doing homework. There’s nothing better to clear my mind than taking a quick 20-minute walk. Afterwards, I’m re-energized and ready to tackle to rest of my work.
Whether you do it for cardio or a homework break, walking is a simple exercise that’s an easy way to be active during your day.

Emily Cleary is a 22-year-old news-editorial journalism major hoping to work in the fashion industry, whether that be in editorial, marketing, PR or event planning is TBD. With internships at Teen Vogue and StyleChicago.com, it's clear that she is a fashion fanatic. When she's not studying (she's the former VP of her sorority, Delta Delta Delta), writing for various publications or attending meetings for clubs like Business Careers in Entertainment Club, Society of Professional Journalists, The Business of Fashion Club, or for her role as the Assistant Editor of the Arts & Entertainment section of her school's magazine, she's doing something else; you will never find her sitting still. She loves: running (you know those crazy cross-country runners...), attending concerts and music festivals, shopping (of course), hanging out with friends, visiting her family at home, traveling (she studied abroad in London when she was able to travel all over Europe), taking pictures, tweeting, reading stacks and stacks of magazines and newspapers while drinking a Starbuck's caramel light frappacino, blogs and the occasional blogging, eating anything chocolate and conjuring up her next big project. Living just 20 minutes outside of Chicago, she's excited to live there after graduation, but would love to spend some time in New York, LA, London or Paris (she speaks French)!