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Health & Fitness:’Getting Skinny’ v. ‘Getting Fit’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

If there’s one thing that every college girl knows, it’s that the freshman fifteen is no joke. Your clothes may have gotten a little snug, and all you can think about is shedding those few pounds and getting your hot bod you loved back. Whether you’re planning on eating healthy or getting into a workout routine, when setting weight loss goals for yourself, you will have so much more success if you set your sights on getting ‘fit rather than ‘skinny’.

In college, girls are always talking of dieting and needing to lose weight. Most times they go about this by eating less than they should and hurting their nutritional health in the process. Both mentally and physically, you will have much greater success if you shift gears from trying to obtain an unrealistic image of yourself to becoming an active, healthy, and fit person. 

Unlike trying to become thin, getting in shape is something you can track and set goals that you can achieve. Nothing feels better than when you run farther than you’ve ever run before or finally succeed in doing that extra set of pushups you didn’t think you could do. It is so much more rewarding and easy to work towards getting in shape rather than dropping pounds.

Here are some pointers to make sure you’re heading in a healthy way to shed those pounds!

What Not To Do:

·      Don’t limit your food intake or start skipping meals.

·      Don’t limit yourself to only non-fat and no-sugar snacks—these snacks are usually filled with a substitute chemical that is just as bad for you.

·      Don’t set your sights on an unrealistic body image that society pressures woman into believing is healthy and achievable.

What To Do:

·      Create a realistic, obtainable goal for yourself, both with your exercise regiment and weight.

·      Track your progress in the gym. Keep track of all of your workouts and try to do a little bit more each day.

·      Give yourself a break from working out once or twice a week.

·      LOTS and LOTS of cardio!! You will love the results!

·      Drink lots of water—this will help you to feel full and keep you hydrated for your workouts.

Why Getting Fit is So Good for You!

·      Getting yourself in shape has physical effects on your body that you will be able to see and feel very quickly.

·      The strength and endurance you develop in the gym is much, much easier to maintain than a strict diet!

·      Being in shape and feeling like a strong woman never fails to boost your confidence and make you feel so comfortable in your own skin.


·      A great workout creates a natural, amazing high that will leave you feeling so happy with yourself & with what you accomplished in the gym.

·      A great workout regiment helps to boost your metabolism, which will allow you to maintain a filling healthy diet.