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Health & Fitness: The Dangers of Late Night Snacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Every collegiate is familiar with the temptations of late night snacking. You’re up late finishing that never-ending paper, and all you want is some Goldfish to munch on or some Ramen soup to sip on. You know you shouldn’t, but you reach for the chips anyway.

Why do we do this, why is it bad for us and what can we do to avoid it? Read on to find out!

Reasons Behind our Late Night Snacking:

· You may just be hungry from having eaten an early dinner. Sometimes dorms and sorority houses serve dinner earlier than you may be used to, so make sure to adjust accordingly!

· You may be thirsty. Many times throughout the day when we find ourselves snacking, it is actually due thirst and misinterpreting it for hunger. Make sure you can tell the difference!

· Boredom. Boredom is one of the biggest culprits that leads to late night snacking. You may be bored with your homework load, but don’t let your stomach trick you into thinking snacking will solve the problem.

Why Late Night Snacking Bad is Bad for You:

· During the day you need fuel, so your body turns the food you eat into energy, whereas at night, the food you eat is more likely to be stored as fat by your body.

· By staying up late and eating, you’re throwing off your body’s internal clock. This disrupts your metabolism, as well, which will effect the way that your body digests and processes the food you take in.

· A full night’s rest is a huge part of losing weight and staying healthy, so by snacking when you should be sleeping, you are making your body have to work extra hard to keep you healthy and slim!

Ways to Avoid Late Night Snacking:

· Keep healthy alternatives in your room such as carrots, celery or a dry cereal. These snacks have the same crunchy goodness as chips and snack foods but are much better for you!

· Make sure to drink a lot of water throughout the day and night when you’re studying to stay hydrated and full. Water gives the feeling of being full and may lead you to eat less late at night because you don’t feel hungry!

· If you do end up giving in to late night snack temptations, make sure the snack is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. The protein will fill you up quickly and help you to stay full for longer, so you won’t be tempted to eat all through the night.