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HEALTH: Change Up Your Summer Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Having trouble getting motivated to workout this summer? If you’ve been finding yourself spending more time laying on the beach than running on the sand, then it’s time to get yourself moving. I know summer is almost over, but it’s never too late to get that hot bod that you’ve been dreaming about all summer. If being stuck inside a stinky gym isn’t your thing, we’ve got some great gym-alternatives that will surely get you moving and having fun at the same time.

Bike Riding: There is no better way to enjoy the summer weather than going for a long bike ride. Find the nearest bike trail in your neighborhood and set a goal each time you go biking. Increase your distance as you go along. You can make bike riding more exciting by planning a bike ride to the beach or to the city with your friends.  Biking can eaily tone your legs and whole body without hurting your joints.

Spinning Class: If you can’t stand the summer heat but still enjoy biking, join a spinning class at your local gym. Spinning is an indoor cycling exercise that provides a shirt-drenching, leg-burning workout. You’re allowed to go at your own pace while still keeping up with the pace of the whole class. With great music blasting through your speakers and your feet spinning to the beat, you won’t even notice the grueling workout, only on the fun.

Rollerblading: We must admit, rollerblading can be difficult to adjust to at first, but it’s a blast once you get the hang of it. Rollerblading is a great workout for your legs without the harsh impact on your joints that can come from running long distance.  If you’ve been getting bored with your usual running to routine, rollerblade your route instead! Don’t forget to wear your kneepads and your helmet for protection!

Hot Yoga: This summer has had record low temperatures across the nation. Although colder weather tends to keep us inside and wrapped up in our blankets, it should be no excuse not to workout. A great way to escape from this chilly summer weather is a good hot yoga class. Not only will this warm you up on these unusually cool summer days, but it also is a great way to work on your strength. The high temperature in the yoga studio increases your flexibility and helps you to sweat out your water weight.

Paddle Boarding: If you live by a lake or a river, paddle boarding could your new favorite exercise.  The upright paddling position gives your arms and abdominals muscles an intense workout. Different stances on the board and different paddling patterns work different muscle groups for a well-rounded workout. There is no need to buy your own paddle boar; many surf shops and boating stores will rent them to you by the day. So, grab your paddle board and a few friends and enjoy. Being out on the water is a great way to enjoy yourself this summer!