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Halloween Costume Ideas for Collegiettes on a Budget

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

It’s that wonderful time of year when you can be anything you want to be. Cliché, but the Halloween holiday is one of many collegiate’s favorite time of year. And Illinois is the perfect place to celebrate because here, it’s not just a one-night affair. Now you may be stressed thinking of the perfect costume on a college budget, but the best advice is to not worry too much and have fun with your look. Here are six ideas to get you started thinking about all the possibilities.


Rosie the Riveter

So simple and yet so badass. Be one of American history’s most famous female icons when you show up to a party as Rosie the Riveter. All you need is a jean chambray shirt you can roll up, a red bandana and a fierce attitude when you pose for the camera. Although Rosie was pretty much without makeup, if you’re feeling ambitious, go for the 1940s makeup and hair for an added touch.


Orbit Girl

All you need is a package of gum and a killer smile. Put on your favorite white ensemble and finish it with an ascot and you are sure to look “fabulous.”


Greek Yogurt

We all love our Greek yogurt in the morning so why not pay homage to the trusty snack on Halloween, but with a twist. Instead of opting to be a yogurt container, become a Greek goddess with a simple sheet. Tie it as if you were going for the Toga look and add a cool headband and jewelry. Then complete your look by adding a sign that says yogurt for a truly ‘punny’ costume.


Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

A classic, you can never go wrong with this idea. All you need is your go-to little black dress, lots of pearls (you can borrow from friends or buy from a thrift store) and sunglasses. Wrap your hair in a bun and borrow your friend’s birthday tiara for a complete look.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Another simple look, pick up a baking tray and spray paint it green. Wear the right color band and a green ensemble and you’re good to go. If you’re feeling fancy, pick up a tutu for an added touch. This also makes a great group costume, so no one is left out of the Halloween fun.



Cat or any other animal

The tried and true costume of all collegiates. If all else fails, wear animal print and throw some ears on and you’re good to go. People may say it’s overdone, but they’re just jealous that you’ll get as many compliments on your two-minute costume as theirs!


So there you have it. Simple and inexpensive ways to be a hit at your Halloween party. In the end though, it doesn’t matter what you costume you wear, as long as you’re having a great time.



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College! Can anything be more exciting! Born and raised on the southside of Chicago, I went to high school in the city so coming to the middle of the cornfields is a big change, but one I am very excited for. When I’m not busy stressing about school, I enjoy reading, having crazy adventures with friends, and just living to the fullest. (Insert one of my numerous favorite Pintrest quotes here) Fresh out of high school, I’m ready to report on all things collegiate and take you along my wild and sure to be bumpy road that is freshman year! 
Editor in Chief of Her Campus Illinois Chapter