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Foods You Should Avoid To Put An End To Bloating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.


Summer is just around the corner and everyone is trying to get ready for bikini season. Here, you will find some tips to help you get one step to closer to that washboard stomach you’re looking for. Most people don’t realize that bloating can occur not just because of how much you eat, but WHAT it is that you’re eating. Ever feel like you have a “food baby” after eating? Well, here are four of the major foods that can cause this that we should all try to avoid.


Carbonated Drinks: The gas in carbonated drinks, carbon dioxide, is what gives it the fizzy bubbles. When you drink carbonated drinks, you drink in all of this bubbly gas. The gas can stay in your stomach for a while and leave you feeling bloated around the middle. Next time, swap the pop for another refreshing option, such as ice water or lemonade.

Salt: Salt retains water in your stomach causing that bloating feeling. If you are using salt with your meal to give it a little kick, there are so many other substitutes for that flavor, such as a dash of lemon or lime.


Beans: Everyone knows what they say about beans; “the more you eat, the more you…” In addition to gassy side effects, the indigestible sugars in beans stay in your stomach and intestines for a while after eating them, which causes long-lasting bloating.

Junk Food: Junk Food may be delicious while you are eating it, but it’s not too long the crash comes along and you regret all those Cheetos and Chips. Junk foods are so full of sugar, sodium, and fat and cutting all that out your diet will not only be a healthy change but it will help you get rid of that food baby!