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Difficult But Necessary: Creating A Balance

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

I wish that it was possible to live completely carefree. But, typically at least, life comes with too many obstacles for that to be a reality. With living a full life comes time commitments, such as school or work, along with fun and social activities. Focusing on one of these categories more than another can result in catastrophe! So, especially when starting a new activity or a new year, it is so important to create a balance.

Nobody stressed the importance of having a balance in my life, so I had to learn the hard way. In high school, I was an honors student who took a schedule full of college courses and also was on a varsity sport. To make things even more busy, I also worked two jobs and played a large role in driving and watching my siblings. My daily routine looked like this: early morning dance practice, school, after-school dance practice, a closing manager shift and then more homework. With my schedule, sleep and social life were pretty unattainable.

When I moved to college, everything was so different. I didn’t have any of these time commitments… Only school and social life. I, along with I’m assuming every other college freshman, has heard the saying, “Have fun, but not too much fun.” And while the adult reciting this to you is correct, it’s a lot easier said than done!

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There is such a large gap between life in high school and life in college. In college, you are put in a place with thousands of other individuals who are also living on their own for the first time. Everyone is learning and adjusting in different ways and there are so many new opportunities to experience!

The most obvious part of creating a balance is not going out too much. Emphasis on the “too.” Going out and partying is a good thing in moderation! When starting college, it can be super easy to only want to party because it wasn’t an option in high school. This is totally understandable, and a good thing to experience if that is something you like, but there is always a possibility if it interfering with your academics. Academics are the reason you are at college, so it is crucial to make school a priority.

While excessive partying may seem like the only way a balance can be ruined, the same can be said for the opposite: excessive (and unnecessary) academic focus. I know that when an individual goes to college, it is for the purpose of obtaining a higher education; however, it is possible to arrive at a point where it is no longer beneficial. Working too hard for too long, and especially with no breaks, will eventually lead to burnout.

If pushed too far beyond burnout, it may be hard to return to living a balanced life! This is why it is of utmost importance to live in a way that allows you to be successful, but nobody can make this change except for you. You know yourself best, so it is you who has to decide boundaries for the different activities of priority. Have fun! But also do what you need to do in order to accomplish your goals.

Hi! My name is Hazel Polanco and I am a freshman at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am majoring in political science on the Pre-Law track and am minoring in legal studies and journalism! In my free time, I like to go to the gym, read, write, and experiment with different hobbies.