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Dating: Four Reasons why you shouldn’t bring him home for the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

As the Holiday season approaches, we’re usually super excited to bring home our new boy toy. Us girls tend to be a bit overly excited over the mere fact we were even able to keep him around this long, and the holidays are the perfect time to show off all our hard work.

In our minds, it’s going to play out perfect! He’ll sit on the couch next to dad and watch some football, help mom in the kitchen and cozy up right next to us by the fireplace as the whole family laughs in unison. Unfortunately, that is usually not the case, and there are some circumstances when you should just hold off on any formal introductions.

1. He’s Extremely Quiet

The holiday is such a joyous occasion where we get to be around our family and loved ones. Being at home is usually where we get into our comfort zone, and if your man barely can speak up, he’s already set up for failure. If your guy is going to meet your immediate and extended family during the holiday season, he has to come in with some form of confidence and tons of conversation for the dinner table. Just imagine the questions, interrogation and short quizzes he’s going to have to answer to in front of the family. Don’t throw him out there to drown if he can’t swim!

2. You barely know him

If you just got into this relationship, he is still a stranger to you! You need to figure out as much as you can about your guy before you jump to invite him over. Not every guy is worthy of meeting your family, and you have to pick and choose carefully who has proven themselves worthy.  I’d date a guy at least half a year before I let my family meet him. Plus, you rather know all his secrets beforehand instead of one slipping out at Thanksgiving dinner right?

3. Your family isn’t ready for a new face

Some families are very close knit, almost like the Kardashians. With a very tight family, sometimes they aren’t ready to welcome in your new beau. Your family might be to open and honest and unintentionally sabotage your relationship. The whole family might still like your ex or they may be extremely overprotective. So instead, avoid the awkwardness and don’t pressure your family into meet and greets if they’re not ready.

4. Your family doesn’t like him

Remember that night you were crying on the phone to your mom about how much of an idiot your boyfriend is? Well she didn’t forget, and she definitely won’t forget when he’s sitting at her dining room table. Our families are not always the biggest supporters in our dating choices, and you don’t want to bring your boyfriend into a hostile environment on such a joyous event. To repair a relationship with your family and your man, start off with small gatherings before you have him being interrogated at Thanksgiving dinner in front of the whole family.

I'm Yele Ajayi and I'm a freshman at Univ. of Illinois majoring in broadcast journalism. I love writing, dancing, and singing. :D