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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Are you looking for a good read but don’t know what book to pick up? Whether you’re an avid reader or just getting back into books, here are some of my recommendations to check out! I’ll be highlighting some of my favorite books from all different genres, from BookTok faves to hidden gems.

Book cover of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Original photo by Sobham Panja

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Starting off the list, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is one of my favorite BookTok finds. This historical fiction is filled with Old Hollywood glamor and all the scandal and drama that comes with it. In this dazzling tale of fame and misfortune, Reid follows actress Evelyn Hugo’s Hollywood career starting as a self-made star from Los Angeles to her final days of stardom in New York. The story details Hugo’s infamous seven failed marriages, but Evelyn has a much bigger secret than why she can’t keep a ring on. Evelyn Hugo’s character is loosely based on actresses Elizabeth Taylor, who was married eight times, and Rita Hayworth, who had to change her identity for the media.  

One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle

Another BookTok read I absolutely loved was One Italian Summer. This heartwarming story about a mother and daughter’s relationship reveals the importance of acceptance and forgiveness of those we love the most. The story follows Katy Silver, who was supposed to travel to Italy with her mother Carol, but ends up going alone. Katy’s trip gives her a fresh perspective on her life but reveals some secrets that her mother had kept from her. In this refreshing literary fiction, Katy is faced with the challenges of becoming independent, living without regrets and showing forgiveness toward others.

The Rose Code by Kate Quinn 

When my roommate lent me her copy of The Rose Code, I had no idea just how juicy this historical fiction would get. This action-packed novel tells the stories of three British women working undercover for the Allies during World War II, code-breaking Nazi messages at Bletchley Park. The unlikely trio includes beauty queen Osla, self-made Mab, and homebody Beth, whose friendship is tested throughout their time at Bletchley Park. Drenched in drama, mystery and romance, this book reveals the true untold stories of the heroic women who helped defeat the Nazis during World War II. 

Circe by Madeline Miller 

Whether you’re into fantasy or not, Circe is an absolutely beautiful literary work about female autonomy in a world of male dominance. Born neither a goddess nor a mortal, Helios’ daughter Circe is outcast by her family of Titans and exiled to a deserted island. In her solitude, Circe learns that she has unique powers, which she harnesses to defend herself against some unexpected mortal visitors to the island. Throughout the eons Circe spends exiled, she experiences love, lust, betrayal and grief through her encounters with the island’s visitors. While the novel is set in Ancient Greece, you don’t have to have any familiarity with Greek mythology to enjoy this bold yet touching story. 

Hi, I'm Kaitlyn! I'm a sophomore at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign studying Communication. I'm hoping to pursue a career in marketing or public relations! In my free time, I love to cook, read, make art and do yoga. I'm really passionate about mental wellness and self-care.