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Yogurt Parfait
Original photo by Sydney Kotowski
Life > Academics

Best “Brain Foods” to Eat During Finals

Updated Published
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Fortunately, the end of a long school year, and summer, are approaching. Unfortunately, this means that the dreaded finals week is one last obstacle to get through before students are free. That being said, how can we as students prepare? Of course, studying and getting good rest is a must, but there are other strategies as well. In this article, I am going to tell you about a few of the best “brain foods” to eat to improve your memory skills, as well as well-being, when preparing for those final exams. These are in no particular order!

  1. Citrus

Citrusy foods and drinks have been shown to protect nerve cells from any sort of mental or physical injury, as well as help improve learning and memory. Non-processed citrus products are filled with something called flavonoids, which increase the blood flow to the brain and improve the production of nerve cells and certain cellular processes that have to do with memory and learning.

  1. Berries

Berries, like citruses, are also filled with flavonoids, improving overall mental performance. Studies have shown that people who consume more berries in the form of a smoothie are able to have a more focused attention span and have quicker response times compared to those who don’t.

  1. Dark Chocolate and Other Cocoa Products

While we’re on the topic of flavonoids, rich cocoa products contain the highest amount of flavonoids of them all. Another benefit of flavonoids is that they improve insulation sensitivity, which is very beneficial in improving brain function since the sugar is moved into our cells which promotes energy. Cocoa can also reduce fatigue and improve blood flow to the brain, which improves memory and reaction time.

Courtesy of Milano
  1. Eggs

Eggs are filled with a variety of nutrients, specifically those that are great at promoting brain function, which includes choline, selenium, and vitamin B12. Together, these three nutrients promote memory storage, better motor and muscle function, and cognition. Eggs aren’t given the nickname “nature’s multivitamin” for no reason!

  1. Nuts

Nuts are filled with protein, fiber, and healthy fat, showing they are just a good snack overall. However, in this case in particular, there have been multiple studies showing how consuming nuts relates to better brain function. One of these studies was done on college students. For 8 weeks, one group had to add walnuts to their diet, while the other group was a placebo group. The walnut group showed an 11.2% improvement in interpreting verbal information.

Torey Walsh / Spoon

I hope that after reading this, you will consider adding some (if not all) of these foods into your diet while studying, even if it’s just a snack! Best of luck on finals to all!

Jo Gomez

Illinois '26

Hey!! I'm Jo and I'm a freshman speech and hearing sciences major! I like to read fiction novels and write creatively for fun. I also really like binge-watching shows as well as shopping!