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9 Things All Collegiettes with Summer Birthdays Have Thought

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.
Summer birthdays can be a gift or a curse. If you’re (un)lucky enough to be born anytime between late May through August, you’ve thought these things one too many times.
You know the pain of never getting your locker decorated or bringing in cupcakes to school on your birthday.
Never has a little bit of wrapping paper and streamers meant so much. It’s only paper, but to you, that girl was queen for a day and you envied her.
And your friends celebrating your half birthday in the winter just isn’t the same.
What are you going to do, give me HALF a present and sing me HALF of a song? It’s all or nothing. I don’t need your sympathy half-brownie to make me feel better. No wait, leave the brownie.
You’ve hated your parents for their poor baby planning.
You have taken a vow that you will never have children during the months of May through August just so they won’t have to go through the same things that you did. I mean your parents KNEW what they were getting themselves into.
If you have a really late summer birthday, you’ve thought about how nine months before you were born was the holiday season.
If you haven’t before, now you have. You’re welcome.
When everyone but you has turned 21 so they expect you to chauffeur them around everywhere.
No you’re right, driving you out to the bar sounds like such a fun time! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to finish a whole gallon of ice cream and a season of Gossip Girl on Netflix in my fat girl sweatpants while I wait to come pick you up.
When no one is excited for your birthday because now you’ve just caught up to everyone else.
WOO yeah! It’s time for you to turn 20! Oh yeah. Everyone else has already been 20 for six months. Welcome to the club, loser.
But you’ve said “Your birthday is on a school day this year? Aww, that sucks,” a countless number of times.
Having a summer birthday means never having to go to school or class on your birthday. You had the privilege of sleeping in as long as you wanted while your mom was preparing your favorite breakfast for you to eat in bed. Not to mention you had all afternoon to do whatever you wanted, uninhibited by math lecture or homework.
And getting ready to go out for your birthday always meant cute summer clothes.
Put away the parkas and unflattering sweaters for the winter, summertime birthdays require sun dresses and bright colors.
And don’t forget, when your friends have all turned 30 you’ll still be 29.
Looking as fabulous as ever.
A senior at the University of Illinois, Elizabeth spends half of her time in denial of her impending graduation and the other half acting as Editor-in-Chief/ President/Campus Correspondent for the site you're on now, Her Campus Illinois. Her favorite color is pink, which makes this position a match made in heaven. Still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up, her passions lie in writing, digital marketing, social media and fashion. Connect with her on Twitter and Instagram @champaigngirl. And if you prefer good, old fashioned email, reach her at elizabethdeuel@hercampus.com.