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8 Tricks To a Faster Metabolism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Not everyone can eat an entire pizza without gaining an ounce. In fact, most of us can’t. You might be cursed with a slower metabolism, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. By making a few, small changes to your routine, you can boost your metabolism and live a healthier lifestyle.

Drink Green Tea

Green tea is great for you and your metabolism. It is packed with antioxidants, and it works with the caffeine to stimulate your metabolism and help with weight loss. Green tea can accelerate your body’s metabolism by up to 4 percent, which totals to between 70 and 100 calories a day.

Eat More Protein

Protein has a thermic effect, meaning that it takes more energy for your body to break down and digest it. You will burn more calories by eating more protein, and it will give your metabolism a nice boost in the process.

Spice Up Your Meals

Eating spicier foods can provide a number of benefits. It can give your body’s metabolism a temporary boost and can also help to suppress your appetite. By incorporating some spice into your diet from time to time, your body will burn a few extra calories, and you will feel fuller for longer.

Add HIIT To Your Workout

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of cardio training where you combine short bursts of activity with small recovery periods. This could take the form of sprints, jump rope or virtually any cardio activity. Not only are these exercises much shorter (typically ranging from 15-30 minutes), but they kick your metabolism into overdrive so that your body continues to burn calories long after your workout is complete.

Drink Cold Water

Cold water is great for your metabolism because it takes extra energy to warm it to your body temperature. You should be staying hydrated and drinking a lot of water throughout the day for your overall health, and by drinking the cold water, you could burn up to an extra 50 calories each day.

Lift Heavy Weight

Similar to HIIT, lifting weights boosts your metabolism, and you continue to burn calories after your lift. Also, when your body has more muscle, it can help you to naturally burn extra calories throughout the day. Even at rest, the muscle helps your body to burn fat calories and ultimately lose weight more easily.

Switch It Up

Don’t let your results stagnate. Switch up your workout routine from time to time so that you continue to feel that after burn. As your level of fitness increases, your workout intensity should increase to match it. Not only will this help to keep your gym time interesting, but it will also help you to continue to make progress.

Get More Sleep

As a college student, your daily life can be really hard on your body. Sleep is great for you as it is a time for your body to recharge the batteries and restore your energy. Lack of sleep has been linked to weight gain, so it’s important to give your body the time it needs to recover. If your schedule doesn’t allow for an adequate amount of sleep at night, make time for short, 15-30 minute naps in your day to get an extra boost.