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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

It’s that point in the semester where everyone is itching for some well-deserved time off. I find myself particularly excited for fall break because not only do I get to go home, but one of the best holidays is right around the corner. Thanksgiving – a holiday dedicated to, well, giving thanks – is the perfect opportunity to spend time with loved ones and take a step back from the stress of school. I find that we students get so caught up in life at college that it is nice (and necessary!) to be able to have a week set aside to focusing on what is most important. Here are some things that I tend to pay close attention to when I’m home for the holiday to make for an amazing break.

1. Hang Out with Friends and Family

Communicating and staying in contact with people has gotten easier and easier as technology has developed- from instant texting to Facetiming, it’s practically like we’re always with those who are far from us. However, nothing can replace how valuable and important face-to-face communication is. This fall break, I (and all of you) want to make more of an effort to sit down with loved ones and just talk, plain and simple.

2. Be present

In connection to my last point, being present is so valuable and makes time with friends and family so much more special. Instead of spending your break mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, try to make a conscious effort to put down the technology a little. I always find myself watching Netflix or constantly texting, so I know this upcoming week will be the perfect opportunity to do a cyber-cleanse and focus on what’s happening around me.

3. Visit places that have meaning to you

We all have those places in our hometowns that bring back so many memories. I am definitely guilty of being so caught up in my life at college that I often forget what life was like before it, so going to or even driving by these special places allows me to remember happy childhood memories. Going back to these kinds of places is essentially taking a trip down memory lane, so embrace it while you can.

4. Realize the value of home-cooked meals

This is an aspect of living at home I never truly appreciated until I came to college. I’m sure we can all agree that dorm food isn’t exactly the best, which makes homemade food that much better. Not only are home-cooked meals absolutely delicious, but there is so much comfort in eating food that’s made by the best chefs around (especially during Thanksgiving). It is rare to be able to prepare your own food at college, so take advantage of the opportunity now!

5. But also go to all your favorite restaurants

Homemade food is definitely something to look forward to, but there is nothing I love more than reuniting with my go-to restaurants in my town. I mean, no Midwest bagels or pizzas can compare to those from the East Coast. Our campus is surrounded by mostly chain restaurants, so it’s so nice to be able to switch it up and enjoy local hotspots. 

Photo 1 |  Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4 | Photo 5

Lauren Weissman

Illinois '21

University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign
Gloriann Lance

Illinois '19

Hi! My name is Gloriann Lance and I am a senior at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am one of the two Campus Correspondents for the 2018-2019 school year and I have been on Her Campus for 3 years.