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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

The feeling of finishing your last class of the week and the weekend officially starting is exhilarating for college students. While you have spent your week stressing over exams and pulling all-nighters to finish last-minute assignments, it’s now time to relax and have fun over the weekend. Whether it’s going out with friends or just yourself, spending money ends up being unavoidable most of the time. That doesn’t mean it has to be. Here is how to make the most of your weekend, free of cost!

go on a long walk

One can never go wrong with a long walk around campus. Walking may seem boring but it’s the perfect way to enjoy the outside breeze and explore parts of campus you’ve never seen! Start off with a cute athleisure outfit; feel good, do good! Put on your headphones and blast your favorite playlist or listen to that podcast you’ve been putting off. These long walks are the perfect way to have a calm and de-stressing weekend!

karaoke night

Having a karaoke night with friends is the perfect way to spend time, at no cost! No need to spend money on a karaoke room when you already have all you need. All you need is a TV or phone to blast music on, and a fake microphone. My personal favorite is a hairbrush but really, you can use any object around you. Choose all your favorite songs to sing your heart out with friends. To take it a step further, you could even turn this into a competition and see who the best singer is, maybe even add some dance moves!

Make a vision board

If you’ve never made a vision board, now is the perfect time to as the year slowly comes to an end. And of course, it’s free of cost! This is a perfect and fun activity, especially if you’re obsessed with Pinterest like I am. All you need to do is save multiple images, which can be found on Pinterest, that capture the lifestyle you aspire for yourself in the upcoming year. Then you download the app Canva, which is free, and choose a template. Once you have your template ready, upload all your saved images and organize them however you’d like. Now you are done and have a cute vision board for yourself!

Watch the sunrise/sunset

The perfect way to start your day is by watching the sunrise. If you’re not a morning person, then you could finish your day off by watching the sunset. Personally, I am not a morning person, so I prefer watching sunsets. This is a perfect activity to do on your own or with friends. Find a spot at your local park to chill and enjoy the beautiful view. You can even bring along some blankets and snacks. If you enjoy journaling or reading, this would be a perfect place and time to do so! If you watch the view with friends, you could also have a cute photoshoot with them! Sunrise and sunset views are the perfect backgrounds for pictures.

Hi! My name is Ruby Campos and I'm a freshman at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am currently undeclared, but looking to go on a pre-law track. I love listening to music, reading, and going out with friends!