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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Lets be honest, the moment we hear something about Valentines Day approaching most of us start to freak out and talk about how stupid of a holiday it is, right? Well, there’s surprisingly a few positives to this “holiday,” whether you’re single or not.  

First of all, this is the one day of the year where everything, and I mean everything, is PINK! Come on girls, this is right up our alley. I know you all secretly get a little excited inside when you walk into a Walgreens or Target and see all of the fun, and festive decorations, yummy candy and adorable stuffed animals associated with Valentines Day. If you’ve never wanted a life-size teddy bear are you even a girl?! 

Here’s the catch though – that little excited feeling we all start off with slowly starts to fade away.  

Why? Because Valentine’s Day is ALWAYS associated with relationships and love life. This is the problem. This day shouldn’t make us feel the need to be with someone in order to celebrate “love.” However, it’s been engrained in our minds that Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to go on a nice date with your significant other, receive beautiful flowers or a nice present, and well, if you’re single, you’re out of luck. But should it really be that way? 

Valentine’s Day is truly just a day dedicated to celebrating love, whether you’re single or not. Everyone gets too caught up in what they think this day is supposed to be all about, rather than making the best out of it.  

Single ladies: this is your time to shine. Live it up on this holiday, treat yourself! Buy that life-size teddy bear you’ve always wanted, max out on Target’s holiday chocolate, and be with your FRIENDS. This is one of the best days of the year to have a fun, cute dinner date with all of your BFFs. Spread the love.  

Relationship-ers: Let’s break the stereotype that in order to have a perfect Valentines Day, you must be with your signification other. Don’t get me wrong, nothing is better than having a day dedicated to celebrating a relationship. Just remember, this day is really just about love, and showing that to the important people in your life. Spend time with both! 

So as we know, Valentine’s Day is approaching, but that doesn’t mean you have to dread it. Whether you hate this day or absolutely love it, don’t forget to tell someone you love them. Enjoy this day full of chocolate, flowers, and stuffed animals. Lets be real, there’s really no other holiday like it.   




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Ashleigh Lalla

Illinois State '18

Contributor account for Illinois State