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What Life is Like After Stranger Things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

What Life is Like After Stanger Things

Yes, it’s over and now you have to just sit and wait for the next season. Yup that’s right they’re just going to make us sit and wait. We have so many unanswered questions. So many feels just sitting there in our minds festering away. How are we ever supposed to focus on things like school when the second season of Stranger Things is just out there waiting for us to watch it. I’m here to be the voice of the people and say what life is now like for us waiting on season two of Stranger Things.

1. First off we know there are vibes between Nancy and Jonathan so why was she with Steve at the end?

2. Don’t get us wrong we like Steve, he did come back to help fight, but come on give the people what they want!


3. Speaking of connections, Mike and Eleven so cute.

4. What really is not okay is that Mike has all these feels for Eleven but she’s gone, we feel for you little one.

5. I have now started to question whether or not my friends would go into the upside down for me.

6. Thank you to the makers of Stranger Things for making me get freaked out every time I see Christmas lights.

7. Let’s talk about Barb for a second…she’s dead right? Or will the rise in memes bring her back from the upside down?


8. This show has really just made me realize that Dustin is the coolest character in the world of TV.


9. Oh and here’s a question they need how does Hop now that Eleven is in the upside down?! And I know she loves Eggos but give that girl a proper meal!!

10. After the season has ended I have been trying to figure out how to put together an Eleven Halloween costume. 

11. Also should we be afraid of Will or afraid for Will because that was confusing af!

12. This show has left my mind in shambles and my feels all over the place but I am counting down the days till I can be a potato and watch it all in one day.

Samantha Cedano

Illinois State

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