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What I Learned in my First Semester of College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Coming into college gives students and their families a mix of emotions. From moving away from your family to going to a party for the first time, stepping into college is a big bundle of experiences. Since completing my first semester of college I feel as though I have grown a lot as a person and student. I have experienced things that I never thought I would and I’ve also met the most amazing people. So, here are three important things that I learned as a first-semester college student. 

  1. Time management is so important
    • You would think that taking 5 classes is more manageable than 7 periods in high school. Well, that’s not exactly true. When you take 4 or even 5 classes they are typically all spread out throughout the day. Plus you have to add extracurriculars, study time, gym time and relaxing time. So having good time management is incredibly important and if you want to be successful in different eras of your life you need to have good time management. It might seem tough at first, but finding time for the things you are passionate about will make you happier at the end of the day.
  2. Don’t trust people you just met
    • Throughout the first semester of college you will meet a ton of different people and immediately think they are your soulmates. In college, everyone is trying to find their group and you might think that they are the right fit for you. But in the end, they might not be who you want to associate yourself with. For at least 3 months, hang out with them and get a feel of who they genuinely are. If you don’t feel like associating with them anymore, don’t hesitate to drop them. In the end, you are who you hang out with and you want to be proud of who you are associated with. 
  3. Get involved as much as possible
    • As a freshman coming to a new school can be very scary and you might not know who to turn to. Getting involved on campus is a great way to meet new people. It’s also a great way to build your resume up which is something every freshman should start thinking about.  

Being a freshman in college doesn’t have to be the scariest thing. Take everything in as it comes and appreciate every opportunity and encounter and you’ll be just fine. :) 

Alysa Hammerquist

Illinois State '26

Alysa is a freshman at Illinois State University and when she isn't writing for Her Campus, you can find her reading a good book, watching new girl, or hitting the gym. Follow Alysa on Instagram @alysaxh for all things Her Campus.