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Ways to boost your mornings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

As students in college, I think it’s safe to say we all feel sleep deprived probably 99% of the time. Aside from the weekend, our nights usually consist of pulling all-nighters studying, late night work outs, and movie nights with friends. We wake up the next morning with the first thing on our minds being, “When can I take a nap?!” With nights of no sleep and 8 a.m. classes the next day, we all need a little boost in the morning. Next time you’re feeling sluggish in the morning, try one of these tips to help you wake up and start your day the right way!


Get some fresh air.
Head outside for a few minutes to breathe in some fresh morning air. Whether you are taking a quick jog or outside watering some plants, it is found that people’s moods are enhanced, which may result in higher self esteem.
Make a to-do list the day before.
Waking up and already know what you have to accomplish during the day can be a relief. With a prepared to-do list, you will be ready to tackle your day from the start.

Eat a well balanced meal.
I’m sure you’ve heard this one before, but don’t overlook it. Eating breakfast can fuel your body and give you the kick you really need. Grab some fruit, oatmeal, and a bagel and you’ll feel way more energized then if you were to skip breakfast.
I know what you’re thinking; who REALLY wants to wake up earlier than they have to in order to work out? You don’t need to do anything extensive, but doing a few sets of jumping jacks or dancing around your room to music will definitely wake you up. If you are a morning person, the Rec offers early morning yoga, which also is a great way to kick start your day.
Take a cold shower.
If you can endure cold temperatures early in the morning, I envy you! If you don’t already start your day off with a shower, this could be just what you need in order to wake up. The extra time you need to shower will be more beneficial than the extra half hour you get to sleep. If you can’t tolerate a cold shower, the take a warm one but the last few seconds turn it cold. It will be sure to wake you up. If showering in the morning is still not for you, at least try to wash your face!

Breathe in some mint.

Studies have shown that taking a deep breath of mint can enhance mood and attention while also fighting fatigue. “Try keeping a bottle of peppermint essential oil or bag of peppermint tea on your nightstand so you can inhale the positive scents right as you wake up. Another happiness helper is chewing gum, which elevated the moods, alertness and attention spans of another study’s participants,” according to Women’s Health magazine.
Wake up with a positive attitude.
I know this sounds cheesy, but when you wake up with a positive attitude, you’re more likely so start your day energized and happy. Leave little post it notes around your room reminding yourself to have a good day and smile. Remind yourself that each new day is a gift and it’s a privilege to do all that you do!
Drink energy drinks or coffee
On days where nothing seems to wake you up, it’s okay to grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink to get you going. As long as it’s not an everyday habit, you’ll be fine. A little caffeine never hurt anyone, right?

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Megan Maginity

Illinois State

Megan is a sophomore Journalism major at Illinois State University, with a minor in Creative Writing. She balances her time between class, her sorority- Gamma Phi Beta, and writing for the college newspaper- The Daily Vidette. When she’s not busy, Meg likes to shop for the best sales, rollerblade, hang out with friends or watch reruns of Sex and The City. Becoming a campus correspondent/editor-in-chief was a great accomplishment for her because she is an aspiring writer, hoping to take on the world of mass media after graduation in 2013.