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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Martin Scorsese. Michael Moore. Steven Spielberg. Tyler Streuter? Illinois State’s very own junior media management, promotions and sales major is well on his way to becoming a household name in the entertainment business. Streuter, originally from Palatine, Illinois, holds the position of Campus U Marketing Representative for none other than Universal Pictures.

HC: How did you hear about the internship with Universal?
Streuter: I was visiting my sister in L.A. a couple of summers ago when I found out about the opportunity. We went out to dinner at this great Italian restaurant and my major was brought up. My sister’s roommate at the time, Meghan (previously worked with Universal) suggested that I apply for the Universal Pictures Campus U Internship. When I got back to Palatine, I filled out an application and later that summer I received a call from the Universal Pictures New York coordinator. I had an interview over the phone and at the end of it she congratulated me and told me the good news!
HC: What are your responsibilities with this position?
Streuter: My job as a Campus U rep is to promote Universal Pictures films via social media, gorilla marketing, and through events. I also host advance screenings for films, where you get the opportunity to see a major Hollywood film for free! All the work is to creatively promote Universal’s films, so it’s a lot of hanging up posters around campus, hosting events, and social media work.
HC: What is your ultimate goal after graduation?
Streuter: I would love to work for a film studio (preferably Universal) after college. There is also a studio in North Carolina (Screen Gems) that I would love to work for, especially because North Carolina is my favorite state.
HC:Any advice for those looking for internships?
Streuter: Depending on your major, check out the resources your department offers. You can also keep your ears open and look into places that interest you. You’d be surprised at how many businesses look for interns year round.
Not only does Streuter have his hands full with this larger than life internship, but he also wears several other hats on campus. He is currently the Director of Marketing and Promotions for the University Program Board, and a member of Campus Crusades. He is even working on a political campaign for a State Representative. Making sure to de-stress at the Rec at least 5 times a week, Streuter keeps his schedule busy. Another one of Streuter’s responsibilities through Universal is holding the occasional advanced screening of up and coming movies at the Normal Theatre. He hopes to hold a few more this spring semester, so make sure to go to the ‘Universal Pictures Illinois State’ to be the first to know about them. If you are lucky, you’ll run into him on a day when he is handing out tickets!

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Megan Maginity

Illinois State

Megan is a sophomore Journalism major at Illinois State University, with a minor in Creative Writing. She balances her time between class, her sorority- Gamma Phi Beta, and writing for the college newspaper- The Daily Vidette. When she’s not busy, Meg likes to shop for the best sales, rollerblade, hang out with friends or watch reruns of Sex and The City. Becoming a campus correspondent/editor-in-chief was a great accomplishment for her because she is an aspiring writer, hoping to take on the world of mass media after graduation in 2013.