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Thoughts Girls Have While Shopping at Forever 21

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Anytime I go to the mall, I make sure to stop into Forever 21 to find some cheap clothes that I can wear out. If you are a female, though, you’ll know the struggle of not being able to find anything in Forever 21. Here are the thoughts that most girls have while shopping at the store we all love to hate.

1. Ugh, I love this store!

2. I should probably start at this side and work my way around.

3. This is sooo cute and it’s only ten dollars? Gotta have it.

4. What is this? Who would wear a velvet coat?

5. Do people actually wear this stuff? I mean I don’t know anyone that would wear some of this.

6. I.need.this.dress.

7. I will never make it out of this store alive.

8. Oh course, they only have an extra small in this skirt. Yes, because I can definitely fit into that *eye roll*

9. Okay, now that I have basically half the store in my arms…I should probably start trying things on.

10. Oh wait, I didn’t see this sale rack! Never mind, it’s all ugly.

11. There’s a whole other section I didn’t see yet?

12. I’m sorry, wallet. Please don’t hate me.

13. Where in the world is the dressing room in this place?

14.  Seriously? This is a medium? This wouldn’t even fit my twelve-year-old cousin.

15. Shocking…this shirt is extremely see through.

16. I guess I’m just getting this kimono then.

17. I’ve been in here an hour….A WHOLE HOUR!!

18. I didn’t even get to look at the jewelry yet!

19. Yeah…not really wanting to spend fifteen dollars on this necklace.

20. Now to wait twenty minutes in the check out line.

21. Yes, I’m aware of the return policy. Please just let me have my clothes.

22. Wait, I didn’t see this top earlier! Maybe I should look around again…


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Amber Allison

Illinois State

Student at Illinois State University. Memeber of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Online shopping addict. Obsessed with coffee.
Contributor account for Illinois State