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Ten Music Artists You Should Add to Your Fall Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Fall music is the music that just feels like the weather is changing. These are the songs that give you warmth as the temperature gets colder. They are deep in emotion and very comforting. This compiled list of artists has some classics and some with specific songs that fit the fall vibe (hot coffee, cozy outfits and leaves changing colors). Check them out!

Moses Sumney

Moses Sumney has that unique sound where it starts slow, and slowly, through levels of sound and voice, draws you in to make the entirety of the song an experience. It fits the fall vibe because it’s smooth, there are levels to his music and it gives you that deep feeling that is felt when the weather changes.

Suki Waterhouse

Okay, I’ve recently been getting into Suki Waterhouse and she just encompasses those feelings of independence after a breakup. And, to me at least, fall is the season of heartbreak!!!!! It’s not even relationship-wise. Fall is usually the season when I can feel myself growing up and outgrowing people and things of the past. To me, Suki Waterhouse gives that feeling a calm and smooth song to fit it. 

Red Hot Chili Peppers

This one really doesn’t even need words. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are “fall” to their core. This is an easier listen. It’s that soft feeling that fall gives you. The lighter instrumentals make their music easier to ingest and put in your headphones on your walk to and from class. I suggest the songs “Strip My Mind” and “The Longest Wave.”

Briston Maroney

Briston Maroney equals the cool breeze that hits you as you’re still trying to drive home with your windows down. It is breaking out of your hometown and trying to figure things out on your own. Maroney’s music gives the listeners songs to cry and scream to and songs that fit the background. All in all, the instrumentals of heavy guitar mixed and Maroney’s raspier voice perfectly fit the feeling of fall and a nice transition from the summertime uppity music to the quieter wintertime music.

Durand Jones and The Indications

To me, fall is often equal to soulful music. Durand Jones and The Indications give you that sense of soul mixed with R&B with a touch of jazz. It’s soft and slow enough to slow dance to yet still present enough to play through your headphones when you’re on your fall-time walks looking at the leaves changing with a PSL in your hand. 

Faye Webster

Faye Webster can fit any season, but she is totally a fall artist to me. Her voice is soft, the drums are soft and the instrumentals are melodic. Her songs are about love, heartache and being a woman in love. And, as I’ve said before, this is what fall is all about. Faye perfectly encompasses that soft, transitional voice with instrumentals that can put you to sleep and zen you out. 

The Neighborhood Watch

Okay, this option is more included for those “sad girl fall” feelings. Maybe this is just me, but I feel a sense of loneliness creeping in in the fall. The Neighborhood Watch gives me similar vibes to “Somewhere Only We Know” by Keane. The Neighborhood Watch’s music essentially fits the vibe of not knowing what you’re feeling or why, but you know something is up. Fair warning, their music will make you cry (especially their song “A A”). 

Mac Ayres

A softer option compared to the last! Mac Ayres is perfect fall background music. His voice and his instrumentals are soft. If you like LoFi beats, Mac Ayres is the vocal version of that. His songs are easy to listen to and they are super chill. As fall sets in, so does the homework. Try playing him in your headphones or dorm room when you’re working on homework or studying!

Lana Del Rey

Unless you’re listening to a select few songs, Lana’s music is fall music. I suggest the “Ultraviolence” album. For those of us girls who get a little lonely in the fall, Lana puts words and music to that. I’ve been listening to Lana since I was in 7th grade so I am definitely biased, but I know once I switch out my summer artists to Lana that fall weather is upon us. Her music has a deep sadness but deep love to it. It’s also very feminine and definitely makes me feel like I am the woman I am. 

The Neighbourhood

A fall classic. This is another band that I listen to once fall comes around. To fit fall vibes, I suggest the “I Love You” album and “Hard to Imagine The Neighbourhood Ever Changing.” I feel like fall has a very “alternative music” vibe about it, and The Neighbourhood fits just that. Their “thru-the-phone” type vocals with heavy drums and instrumentals give that sense of alternativeness that feels like leaves changing. 

With fall weather comes great fall music. I hope these suggestions help to spice up your playlist or give you a new artist to listen to! Here’s a link to a playlist with some of the songs I suggest from each artist. So, grab your PSL, your favorite comfy sweatshirt, and enjoy that fall weather with some great tunes. <3

Hailey Langstaff

Illinois State '24

Hi! I am a sophomore at ILSTU and a Mass Media major! I've always loved writing, but in addition I love music, reading, journaling, yoga, and going on adventures with my friends!